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That evening Olesia didn't come to my room to bring me dinner.

Instead, she came to clean me up and dress me in a different gown. "You have been invited to eat dinner with the prince and his personnel," She said as she brushed through my hair.

I watched her through the mirror as she held two pins between her teeth. She brought two pieces from the sides of my blonde hair and pinned them in place on the back of my head. I watched as she braided the two pieces together, letting it drape on the back of my head.

She reached around me, grabbing powder and patting it on my face. I let out a subtle cough as the remains spurred in the air, getting lodged in my airway. I then watched as she grabbed the rouge, dabbing some lightly on my cheeks. "Is this necessary?" I asked.

She nodded, "Dinner is formal."

I was in a dark green gown with gold embroidery swirling on the sides. It was a little too formal for my taste, but it seems I had little to no free will while living in this castle.

Olesia steps back, admiring her work. I stand, twisting and turning so that I could fully see myself in the mirror. I watch as Olesia makes her way to the door, opening it and waiting for me to follow.

As we walked I focused on the sway of her short straight hair. She took me to the main floor, stopping in front of a set of large double doors with guards standing outside them. I came to realize that wherever the prince was, his royal guards stood close by. She pushed open the door, and I slowly followed after her.

In the center of a large room was a big oak table filled with food — more food than my family could afford in a year. Harry sat at the head of the table, with Evander, Fallon, and a few other people I had never seen before positioned to the sides. "Madam, Nuray has arrived," Olesia announced.

She turned swiftly, exiting the room almost as quickly as she came in. A quick jitter sparked in my stomach as everyone's eyes turned to me, their chatter stopping abruptly. I scanned my eyes across them, not knowing what to say or do. Thankfully, my eyes locked on Evanders brown ones as he smiled to me softly, patting the empty seat next to his. "There you are."

I returned the smile and slowly walked over to my seat, trying to ignore the glare Fallon was giving me. I pulled my chair back, tucking my dress behind me as I took a seat.

"And why is the witch joining us?" Fallon asked openly. Her eyes scanned me up and down in a look of disgust.

I lowered my head, not wanting anymore attention on me. I was asking the same question too, Fallon.

"Because I invited her," Evander said beside me. "She is a guest of this castle."

Fallon scoffed, "Does she even know how to use a fork? Didn't she come from the nastiest part of the kingdom?"

I furrowed my brows, glaring at her intently. How could she be so rude to someone she doesn't know? "I'd watch it," I warned, picking up a butter knife and twisting it between my finger and the table. "I'll turn you into a donkey if you insult me again."

It was a lie, I couldn't turn her into one even if I wanted to.

Harry let out a low laugh making Fallon snap her eyes to him.

"Fiesty," Evander smiled next to me.

"Are you going to let your witch talk to me like that?" She asked Harry.

I watched as Harry shrugged, making Fallon's facial features tighten. "I don't know, I can't say too much or she might turn me into one too." Fallon sat back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.

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