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We finally leave the neighborhood. I look down at my shoes. I don't pay attention to Faith.

I feel cold metal onto my head.

"We got em" An muscular African American man says into his watch.

"Good, now bring them back, we need to have a talk" a familiar voice strictly says. Miss Ash. Shit!

One man pulls out what looks like a knife and stabs it in Faiths neck.

"Fai-" I feel the pain in my neck. I getting dizzy. I fall to the ground, smacking my head on a rock. Then all I see is black. Just black.
A wake up in a bleak room. My head is pounding. I touch it. Blood stains my hand. The door opens. Miss Ash.

"We're is Faith!" I sassily says.

"Oh, Autumn, you and your sister are in good hands." She smirks "I want to discuss some rules."

I move my hand to feel the gun Faith gave me. I don't pull it out. A nurse comes into the room. She grabs her supplies. She puts hydrogen peroxide on a wash cloth and daps it on my head. I try not to move.

"I will not tolerate this kind of behavior, do it again and you are going to have serious punishment" Miss Ash snaps.

"I'm sorry, I was just scared, in shock and I couldn't take it" I make up and excuse.

"Assuming was you're sister." Miss Ash says. "Now get rest you have a big testing day tomorrow."

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