Not Another Meeting...

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(Your in a office setting)

I woke up to hear the sound of ringing. "Oh long did I even sleep for?" I look at the phone and pick it up.

"Hey this is Gary, I just wanted to let you know you have a meeting in 15 minutes."


"Hello, is anyone there?"

"Yeah Gary, I'll be there" I say refusly.

"Great, I'll see you then."

Well, another meeting this week? You gotta be kidding me. Fuck I might get fired this time, I can't believe they'd fire me over the slackoff over there, Josiah. All he does is drink monster and play videogames all day. I mean he could be a nice guy, I haven't really gotten to know him, but if i'm being honest, he looks like smells like sweat and energy drinks.. For the meantime I'll grab some coffee/ or tea from the break room. As I'm walking to the break room I notice a blue screen on Jackson's monitor. I kinda laugh to myself, I wonder what he got into this time.

"Hey Jackson, what happened to your computer man?"

"Hey! y/n! Your buddy over there gave me this USB and told me that I can get CSGO for free!! no steam!!, so I plugged it in and now my computer only does this....this isn't CSGO."

"Oh! ya know what....I think it might be some installation patch, try waiting a few more minutes."
(lol yeah an installation pack)

"Oh ok kid, thanks." "Hey Josiah didn't ask for it back so here, you can have it."

Oh how fun [sarcasm], an excuse to talk to Josiah. Also "buddy?" I have barely talked to that guy. I walk over to Josiah's cubicle with the usb in my hand. His playing csgo...of course.

"Hey. Josiah, did you give Jackson some sort of messed up USB?"


"I dunno man. He was saying something about csgo... and his computer looks bricked."

"Ohh haha, yeah. It was just a fun little Halloween prank man."

"Uh huh.."

"Hey why are you sticking up for him anyways? That guy is always on your back ''Hey, actually why don't you also plug that usb into your computer."

"Sure, whatever." I stare at his monster cans on his desk for an awkward amount of time. I noticed this, "oh sorry I blanked out there." Gosh I could actually use one right now.

"You want one?" Josiah says looking up at me from his chair.

"Oh, yeah...please?" That's embarrassing of me, even he noticed I needed one.

He hands one to me. I touch his hand slightly while grabbing it from him, but it's enough to make me blush. I think he realizes that.

"You can ask me anytime for one," he smiles.

"O-oh, okay thank you" I replied.

I walk back to my cubicle with the monster in my hand. I sit down and open it right away. I drank half of it...already. Well I guess I should start working, I start answering and replying to emails until I feel myself dozing off.

"Hey.." I hear slightly. Then again "Hey y/n!" Shit, I woke up quickly. Oh no I fell asleep, not again.. I see Josiah leaning on top of the wall of the cubicle.

"Yo, don't you have a meeting today?"

"OH SHIT I DO!" I say quickly running towards the stairs. I managed to get a glimpse of the clock, I'm 25 minutes late. I run inside the department where I see Gary.

"Hey im so sorry, I just got lost track of time and-"

"You can't be making mistakes like this, this isn't your first time" Gary states.

"Please just give me one more chance, i'll-"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm scheduling a meeting with HR tomorrow. Don't be late." Gary says, that sounded like a threat more than anything.

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