Date Night

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I wake up and it's 10 am. I get ready for the day. By the time I'm done it's almost 11. I'm not sure what I should do for the rest of the day. Oh! I should probably figure out what I'm gonna wear. Should I go fancy? or casual but cute? Uhhh…what do people wear on a date. What a loner I am. I go through my closet looking for a good outfit. I'll be honest I have good style but I'm not sure how I should approach this. I wonder what Josiah is gonna wear, he seems like the basic type. 

After an hour or so of contemplating, I decided on a nice top with cargo pants and a zip up. Kinda basic but I have nice jewelry to go along with it. I fix my hair and I'm basically ready, I guess I just gotta chill until then. 2 hours later go by when my phones ringing, I look and it's Josiah. I answer the phone.

"Yo y/n"

"Hey everything good?"

"I just wanted to ask something, would you rather do something else then to go to dinner, not like dinner is bad or anything but I dunno…I was thinking like uhhh" His voice sounds shaky.

"I get you, dinner is lowkey bland. So what were you thinking of?" 

"Would you wanna go to the park? I know a really pretty one."

"I'd love to"

"Okay I'll see you then."

We both hang up. I'm honestly glad we picked something else. Dinner is too touche when it comes to dates.

It's 5:10 when I hear a knock on the door. I quickly run to the mirror making sure I look okay. Alright. I open the door and there he is. His hair is styled really nice and his outfit is kinda cute too. It's nice to see him wear something that isn't the usual things he wears to work. He's also wearing earrings!? Didn't think that was his style. It suits him.

"Hey y/n, I got these for you." He hands me over a bouquet of flowers. I take them, it's an assorted range of different types of flowers, how cute. "Thank you," I put them in a decorative vase in my kitchen. 

"So you ready?" Josiah says while giving me a smile. "Yeah, let's go."

He drives to the park he was talking about, I see the sun slowly setting through the car window. "So Josiah, what are you into, like hobbies and stuff" I say while looking outside. "I mean…you know the typical nerd shit I guess" I look over to him, "no I don't know, so like what?" "I like coding." I laugh, "you say it like that's embarrassing, you're smart then." He turns to me and smiles "I'm not as dumb as I look you know? I'm just lazy to try at certain things." 

"I see, well that's pretty cool then, coding." 

"Uh-huh, what about you?" Now thinking of it I'm not really sure, I don't know why I chose to work at an office job in the first place. 

"Uh, I guess graphic design is cool." 

"That's interesting, you should pursue that."

 "Maybe I will since I got fired in all." He kinda pauses for a second before saying anything, "R- right….oh we're here." Um okay, a lil odd. I look out the window and look at the park, it's really pretty. We get out of the car and Josiah leads the way somewhere. He goes up a small hill of grass with a few trees at the top. The view from here is nice. "How'd you know about this place?" I ask. "I used to run by here every so often…there's also a pond over there," he points in the other direction. "Thanks for bringing me out here, it's a really pretty spot." "I'm glad you like it," he takes a seat on the grass. Naturally I do the same. The sun is slowly setting. I put my head on his shoulders, I guess I gotta be making the first moves huh? I pull out my phone, I wanna have photos of this day. "Say cheese," I bring him in close to the point where our faces touch. *Click* I take the photo. "Look" I say while showing him the photo on my phone. I look at him and he's blushing. We stay there talking about our interests for a while. "So like uh, you wanna go somewhere else? It might be boring sitting here for the rest of the day," Josiah suggests. "That would be fun, where you thinking?"

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