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I follow him to his car and enter the passenger seat. It still lingers of black ice air freshener and energy drinks. I watch him as he gets in and I ask, "would you just want to get McDonalds? We only got a 30 minute lunch break and I think that would be the fastest thing to get."

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing," he replies.

On our drive to the nearest McDonald's I see Josiah plug in his phone to the aux and start playing music. The song that plays is "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now'' by The Smiths. Damn..he has music taste. We pull up to the McDonald's drive thru and order. I got the typical. 10 piece chicken nuggets, medium fries, and a large coke. Josiah orders the same thing but just without the fries. We pull up to pay and he gets out his card, but I insist on paying for us. He refuses. I can't do anything for him, can I? I wouldn't have ordered so much if I knew he was going to pay, but then again what did I expect? We get our food and park so we can eat.

We start eating and make small chat with eachother in between bites. I start munching on my food until I see him shift toward me.

"Hey..uh..y/n. I was wondering if you wanted to get a proper lunch or dinner with me this weekend," Josiah asks softly.

Wait, is he asking me out on a date? I don't know what to say. I mean...I look up at him. He's facing towards me but is looking down, fidgeting with his hand. Out of panic I say "Um..uh..I think I actually have something to do this weekend, but..uh maybe next time?" Shit..What the hell do you mean you have something to do? You're a loney ass mother fucker, you literally have no plans. I guess I just panicked, I didn't really want to say that but then again I'm scared of relationships. I did just start knowing the guy. Is this moving all to fast? Maybe he didn't necessarily mean a date...just getting dinner as friends or something, right? Though the more I get to know him the more he seems fun to hang around with.

"O..oh..yeah okay, um we should be heading back to work...lunch is almost over" He says softly but it's loud enough so I can hear. He starts up the car and drives to the office. I start panic eating because I can't handle certainemotions. When we arrive at our job I can tell we both feel embarrassed and awkward because we don't say anything to each other as we both walk into work.

The rest of the day is just filled with bad anxiety and thoughts. It's honestly so hard to do anything like this.


Once the time hits 5pm I fucking sprint out of there. I just want to avoid everything and everybody. As I'm walking out of the office building I remember how yesterday Josiah said he'll drop me off at home but honestly I think we'd both agree that, that whole situationwas kinda awkward. I text him saying,

y/n: hey btw imma take the bus home today, I'll see you tmr

I walk over to the bus station and check my phone, he hasn't responded yet. He usually replies right away but I guess not. Well shit, I really ruined everything huh? I shouldn't of been too harsh-

Once I get home from the bus ride, I change my clothes and lay in bed. I checked my phone once again and see he texted back around 15 minutes later.

Josiah: yeah stay safe, text me when you get home

Josiah is a really mysterious guy. Though I think I'd like to get to know him. He doesn't seem all that bad after all. I call him out of impulse- I don't know what I'm doing

He answers

"Hey what you up to?" I ask

"Uh this is embarrassing but im playing CSGO"

"Ou you know I have a pc of my own, maybe we could play sometime"

"I'd like that"

"Are you doing anything right now?" What the hell am I saying?

"Um not really"

"Wanna come over? I got a ps4 we could play on and shit"

"R- right now?"

"Sure why not?"


I give him my address....not sure why I did all that. I mean it does get loney sometimes. Plus I'd really like some company after what happened at work.

Time passes by and later on he buzzes my apartment and I let him in the complex. He then knocks at my door. I open the door. There he is. I never really seen him wear "regular clothes". He is wearing a t- shirt with baggy jeans, he smells of cologne. He also isn't wearing a hat, he looks really cute without it.

I close the door behind him as he walks inside. He stands near the living room awkwardly, observing my apartment. I gesture to him to sit down on the couch and I sit relatively close to him. I don't know where to start.
"I'm sorry, for earlier. I really didn't want that to be the response that came out of my mouth but I just panicked."
I can feel him looking at me, but I'm way too flustered to look back at him.

"You just called me over because you wanted to apologize?" he smirks.
"Well- it's not- I mean.."
"I'm just messing with you y/n" He laughs. "It's cute when you're flustered."
I can feel my face turn red.
"So uh wanna play minecraft of something?" I ask him handing him a controller.

After a while Josiah and I hang out building a house in minecraft. I unknowingly lay myself against him. I admittedly catch myself and move away. He laughs at that. Then for around an hour or two we both mess around playing video games.

It's around 9:30 pm when we both realize how long we have been playing for.

"I should get going now, I had fun" he smiles.

"Me too"

He grabs his stuff and starts walking out the door.

"Hey about that date, I would like to go..you're a fun person to be around," I confess.
"Ha who said it was a date?"
I pause for a second.
"I'm just messing with you, you can see it as a date if you'd like." He runs his figures through his hair I wish he wouldn't wear hats often, I really love the way his hair complements his face.

"I'll see you tomorrow y/n"

I wave him goodbye and close the door after he walks away.


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