The end..

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, again. A Monday morning, the worst kind. I get ready for work and when headed out the door I check my phone. A text from Josiah, he said “ill be outside”. Is he picking me up? Better for me then. I walk outside my apartment building and there he is in his car. I get inside, “thanks again.” “Of course,” and he drives to work. We get there but as we head upstairs there seems to be a lot of commotion.
“What's going on?” I ask. Josiah doesn’t respond. Everyone is crowded around talking about something.  I should ask someone. “Hey do you know what’s happening?” I ask this girl.
“Yeah, apparently Gary and the lead of HR have gone missing, its reported no one has seen them since friday. Because of this we all have to leave 2 hours earlier today.”
“Thanks for letting me know.”
"Josiah did you hear that, isn't it strange?" I ask him.
"It's whatever I'm sure they will show up soon."
"You aren't worried?"
"And you are?" He looks down at me with this glare. "They fired you…don't you remember?"
"But still…"
"Sure," he says sarcastically and walks away into our department. Is he mad*. Why? I walk in the department and walk to my cubicle to start work for today. The commotion seems to settle down after a few minutes. Gosh…I don't get why Josiah got ticked off like that. I start on writing my emails and such. An hour or so goes by. I see Josiah walk to my cubicle and lean on it.
"My bad," he says looking down at my desk.
"It's alright."
He sighs then walks close to me and cups the side of my face.He leans down and leans in for a kiss. RIGHT NOW? AT WORK?

"Ahem" A voice says behind us. Shit* it's Jackson. "Didn't think you guys would get together, it makes sense though- the person who got fired and the slackoff."
"The fuck do you want?" Josiah says looking up at him but still holding my face. I'm tired of hearing shit from others. I mean I'm gonna get fired anyways right? I move Josiah's hand and I get up to approach Jackson.

"Pissed you off?" Jackson asks me. Whatever, I punch in the side of the face. Gosh this guy has been a pain in the ass ever since I first got here. Naturally I kinda feel bad that I did that….but he talked too much shit, someone had to put him in his place.

Jackson got knocked back from that. Nothing too bad. I am kinda weak after all- Josiah walks up next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Fuck off man," he tells him. Jackson doesn't say shit and walks away.
"You good?" Josiah asks.
"Nice shit, that was kinda cute"
Wha-woah. He gets bold out of nowhere. I laugh then walk back to my seat. He walks away back to his cubicle.  A few hours go by and I'm done for the day. We get out at 3 today since Gary and the lead of HR went missing. I wonder what had happened.. I wait for Josiah and we walk out together. I see Jackson eyeing us down as we walk past him and outside the building.

Josiah offers to drive me home and I accept. As we're driving I think about how Josiah acted back there…it was weird for him to respond negatively about a situation of people missing. Then he was apologizing with a kiss!?!~ Wait before that….that sigh. The sigh right before he tried to kiss me. It was way too similar to the one in the dream. Right here..everything comes to me. Friday night is when they went missing, which was when I had that so-called dream. Could it be all a coincidence? No. Or i'm not sure, maybe tomorrow they will show up and I'm just overthinking this. Fuck I'm not sure what to think. I glance over at Josiah, he seems normal but that shouldn't matter. If he did do that, why would he do it anyways?!
"We're here," He says giving me a smile.
"R- right."
"I'll see you tomorrow then."
I get out of the car, and walk up to my apartment without saying goodbye. When I get home I lay on my couch and think. I feel like I'm acting dumb because I don't want to believe it was him who would do something like that. I can't pretend…I feel like it all adds up….but why? Why did he? We seriously had something. This fucked it all up. No I shouldn't be thinking about this relationship…he killed* people y/n! Still maybe this could all be a misunderstanding. There isn't any proof after all. I feel myself crying, I'm scared. I don't know how to feel.

*knock knock*
Shit someone is at the door. I open it and it's Josiah. I admittedly take a step back.
"Y/n are you ok? It seemed like something was wrong when you were in the car."
I can't talk to him right now. Even if what I saw isn't true I can't take any chances. I can't be blind to this, even if I like him.
"Please Josiah," I cry to him. "Tell me you didn't do that."
He doesn't say anything. So he is guilty after all. I step away from him. He gets closer then pulls me closer to him softly. He wraps his arms around me.
"You weren't supposed to find out," he whispers. "That day, I panicked and made up a lie, I'm so sorry."
"Why? Why did u do it?" I'm so close to him that I can feel his heart beating.
"For you, I hated seeing you mistreated by them. I couldn't stand it."
"I can't believe you did that…"
Josiah lets go of me and takes a step back.
"I felt like I had to, but seeing you like this now hurts. I love you"
Those words mean nothing to me now but I can't help myself. I impulsively grab his face, as gentle as I can be. We both go in. Our lips meet. The kiss feels so tender. He pulls away.

“Why’d you kiss me after you knew what I did?”
Why did I? He’s a murder but, “It's a goodbye” I tell him. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about everything. For some reason I cannot shake off these feelings, am I a bad person too then? I press myself against the wall and slide down so I'm seated against it.

“Y/n what are you doing?”
“Leave me alone.” I sit there on my living room floor.
He sits down next to me, "They were assholes, I wish they didn't get in the way."
He leans against my shoulder.
"Josiah?" I look at him.
"I love you too"

[A/N: thank you all for the support...I'm sorry the ending was kinda wack bc I wasn't sure how to conclude this, though I hope it was decent enough^^]

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