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[rereading the older chapters made me realize I'm kinda cringy….BUT ANYWAYS]

Time passes by and as you know it's already time to go. Thank goodness. I head downstairs on my way to head out of the building. I see Josiah at the end of the staircase.
"Oh hey y/n, I'm sorry I can't drive you today…I got something I wanna take care of. Overtime you know how it is." He laughs.
"Oh don't worry about it, well I'll see you tomorrow right?"
"Of course, get home safe ok?"
"I will, cya" I say as a wave goodbye. Josiah does the same. I walk to the nearest bus stop which takes me a few minutes.I reach for my right pocket to get out my phone. Oh shit. I pat myself down looking for my cellphone. Shit I must have left it on my desk. Ugh this is gonna be a hassle. I run back to the office building hoping I'll get back to the bus station on time. I go upstairs to my department and there it is, my phone lying on my desk. Great…As I'm heading out I look towards where Josiah's cubicle is. Huh..he's not here? But wasn't he working overtime? Looking back at it the office is empty as hell…creepy. I walk back down stairs but I notice something. Is that someone screaming? What the hell. There's a lot of noise coming from upstairs. Should I really go investigate? but what if someone just got hurt and maybe they need help? Shit I hear the screaming again. Wait thinking back on it Josiah wasn't in his cubicle, what if he got hurt? Fuck it. I slowly walk up the stairs. I think all the noise is coming from the HR department. I don't even have a weapon to protect myself with? I believe the department above mines is more well kept so maybe they would have a knife in the breakroom or something. I walk into this department's breakroom and I see a butter knife on the table, I guess that will do. I continue walking up the stairs. It seems that the noise has stopped. I finally make it to the HR department….at the very top of the stairs. My hands are shaking. Am I really gonna do this? I open the door. I see a silhouette towards the end of the room. I slowly walk closer to it.
"Hey are you okay?" I say in a shaky voice. No response back. "I heard some screaming, are you hurt?" Still no answer. Their back is facing towards me so I can't see their face properly. Why the hell is there blood on the floor? I hear the person sigh and slowly turn around. Josiah. Its Josiah. I see a knife in his hands, I back up. "What the fuck are you doing!?" I don't believe this. He looks down at the knife in his hand. "What..oh..please don't do anything to me!" He drops the knife but walks closer to me. He hasn't said anything. I walk backwards but I stumble and fall over on a chair. His walking closer, is this really it for me? His stare is so cold, it's nothing I have seen before.
"I'm sorry." He whispers.

Then I blank out. I wake up to the sound of Josiah calling my name. Everything is blurry, my head is throbbing. I regain my consciousness and see Josiah kneeled down in front of me. "Hey y/n are you okay?" He says. I back up away from him. "What the hell happened!?" I yell at him.
"What? I just got here and saw you passed out, I was gonna ask you the same thing." What? Wait, how am I at the entrance of the building…wasn't I in HR and him. I saw him with that knife and blood….I didn't I? "But you, I saw you, in HR. You had a knife in your hand and-" His face, he's looking at me confused, but it seems genuine. "What are you talking about…hey are you okay?" He grabs my hand. I pull it away and I run upstairs headed for HR. The only way right now to tell if he's being for real is to check it out myself. I get to the top of the stairs. For fucks sake I wished the elevators worked. I open the door. I'm greeted with nothing, no blood, no people, its normal?
"Jesus Christ y/n" He says as he's out of breath. I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath in order to explain myself.
"I saw you. There was blood everywhere..I thought you-"
"You must of had a dream, a nightmare, I just got off work now and I saw you passed out."
Did I hit my head? But what I saw felt real? Wait my phone, that's the whole reason I came back. If I have it with me then that's proof. I pat down my pockets, nothing.
"Oh hey btw" He says as he hands over my phone. "I texted you after you left but you didn't respond, so I checked on your desk before I headed out and saw your phone on your desk. I was actually on my way to your house to give it back."
So everything that I just saw….wasn't real? I don't wanna play dumb now because what if this is a cover up? But then again the room was empty and he had my phone. I don't wanna believe what I saw was real and his story is adding up.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. I guess I hit my hurts"
"Let's get you home, you needa sleep."

Josiah is driving me home. I haven said much since…I'm lost within my thoughts. It was just a really bad nightmare I guess.
"Hey Josiah, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to act like that back there." I say quietly.
"Hey no worries, I'd be scared too if I had a dream like that" He says looking at me.
"but geez y/n you know you really scared me back there"
I laugh, "I know I'm sorry."
We finally get to my place. "Thanks again, oh! and what time for tomorrow?" I say as I get out the car.
"Is 5 good?" Josiah answers.
"That's perfect"
"I'll pick you up here at that time tomorrow then."
We say our goodbyes and I walk inside my apartment. I change into regular clothes and lay in bed. What happened today was weird. I don't even wanna think about it. God my head hurts, I should go to sleep. I put on my alarm and drift off to sleep thinking about the nightmare I had. At least tomorrow is our date, right?

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