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After a long day at work I lay in bed, just thinking about today. I often play scenarios in my head before I go to sleep, so I was pretty much thinking about him all night. It really seemed like he was into me. I didn’t really notice it at first but it was obvious. Or is he just being a nice friend and I'm reading into it too much. Well he is a nice friend. I hear a *buzz* coming from my phone. I see a notification but my phone is so bright I can't tell who it's from. Woah it's already 1am? I adjust the brightness and see it’s from Josiah. Oh that's interesting. I open up his message.

Josiah: hey…u up? couldnt go to sleep lol

y/n: yup, i'm up LOL, wassup?

Josiah: oh shit i really didnt think you would be awake, my bad

y/n: why do you think im always tired at work, i sleep late lmao

Josiah: haha same, guess we r similar in some ways

y/n: yup! 

(there's a pause for about a minute)

Josiah: i was gonna save this to ask you tomorrow but might as well ask now

Josiah: i was wondering if you would wanna get lunch with me at work tomorrow?

y/n: Ooo suree

Josiah: I'll see you tmr then. get some sleep :)

y/n: i will try to!, you to tho

Josiah: i will try as well, goodnight

y/n: night!

I turn off my phone and think for a bit. How funny is it that he texted me while I was thinking about him. I find it funny how the universe works sometimes. I hold onto this thought as I fall asleep.


I slowly open my eyes, I can feel the sun hit my face as it shines from my window. I turn off my alarm and check the time. Wait, oh god no. You can't be serious, it's 9:35 am. I was supposed to be at work 35 minutes ago! I quickly jump out of bed and put on a pair of jeans, a collar shirt and a pullover sweater. I fucking speedrun getting ready because I really cannot afford another mistake like this. I ran out of my apartment and to the bus stop. Looks like I'm waiting another 10 minutes for the bus, could be worse I guess. I open my phone to see 2 messages. They are all from Josiah.

Josiah: hey y/n, you coming in late today? 
(at 9:12am)

Josiah: shit I'm trying to cover for you the best I can, so I told them you felt kinda sick and might be coming in late. Looks like they pushed your meeting until tomorrow. 
(at 9:22am)

Shoot I totally forgot about that meeting, it's with HR too….Why do I forget important things like this. I'm so careless. 

I can see from the corner of my eye the bus approaching. As the doors open I make my way to the back of the bus. I turn on my phone again and reply back to Josiah.

y/n: thank you so much, you didn't need to. if anything I don't deserve it. 

Josiah: dont worry about it, of course you deserve it 

y/n:  ty josiah <33 I'll be there in 10-20 minutes

Josiah: :))) 

It was really kind of him to do that for me. I guess that's what friends are for! I look out of the window, finally, looks like my stop should be soon. After a few minutes or so I get off of the bus and start walking another few blocks until I get to the office building. I walk inside trying to avoid my boss and especially Jackson. I sit down at my cubicle and look at the time. Its 10:46 am, an hour and 46 minutes late. How great is that. I slump back into my chair. I see a monster with a sticky note on it sitting on my desk.On the sticky note it says "-Josiah" with a lil smiley face on it. How thoughtful of him. I open up the can and pound that shit. I seriously need to work on my sleep schedule.

I start working on writing emails and making documents. I put on my headphones and put on some music. It honestly helps time go by faster. I do this for around an hour until it's our break. I walk over to Josiah's cubicle, I catch him playing csgo. 

"Hey" I say quietly not knowing if I should interrupt him or not.

I watch him switch tabs. It was quick as hell. Seems like he does that often.

He looks over at me, "oh hey y/n, I thought you were someone else."

I laugh, "I can see that…but uh anyways...I really wanted to thank you, I don't know why you do all these things for me but I really appreciate it…I appreciate you.”

Josiah looks up at me, he opens his mouth but no words come out. He stumbles over his sentence. I see him turn slightly red, he looks embarrassed. I might have made him flustered. 

“I appreciate you too,” he says while looking down.

I walk away, not wanting him to feel more anxious.. As I sit down in my chair I get lost in my own thoughts. It seems like he does like me, but do I feel the same way? I love the way he treats me, but do I like him back..? I'm conflicted, more overwhelmed than anything because if anything I don’t want to lead him on or break his heart either. Hoping to lose this thought I continue working. I'm replying to emails which feels like eternity until it's lunch break. I lean back in my chair and see Josiah walk toward my cubicle. Oh shoot I kinda forgot he offered to get lunch with me today. 

“Hey y/, you still want to get lunch?” Josiah says quietly. 

“Of course I still do!” I say to him.

“So, whatchu wanna eat?” he mentions as he leans against the wall of the cubicle. 

“We can figure that out once we are in the car,” I suggest.

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