Bad Luck?

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[My fault for not updating after a year or so- but might as well continue it for fun]

After Josiah left I sat on my bed for a few minutes just thinking of what had happened. I can't believe I'm going on a date with him. I'm flustered? confused?im not sure what to think. Ugh I wish tomorrow wasn't work, at least it's Friday, but then after that it's our date... That's something to look forward to, right? If i'm going to be honest I haven't really been on dates before so I'm lowkey nervous. I just remembered that tomorrow might be my last day at work, great. I might not even be able to afford going on a date then. 

*ring ring*

Oh looks like Josiah's calling.

"Hey, y/n"

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing, I uh just wanted to call you, you know?"

"Oh well then in speaking of that we better enjoy tomorrow because I might be getting fired or whatever. It's honestly gonna suck, I enjoyed your company these last few days"

"Uh oh um same, but I honestly doubt that's going to happen."

"Guess we'll find out tomorrow"

"Yeah, we will"

"Hey, um Josiah, I really liked having you over today, thank you"

"I enjoyed hanging out with you too y/n"

"Okay well I uh better get going, I need to sleep early today because I can't be going in late tomorrow"

"Ha yeah, goodnight!"


*Hangs up*

I get ready for bed and even double check to make sure my alarm is on. I wrap myself in my blankets in bed and drift to sleep.I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Thankfully I'm up on time. 

I walk into the work building and clock in for the day. As I walk up stairs to my department I see Josiah leaning against the stair railing. He smiles as I walk up to him. 

“Wow you're on time” he says mockingly.

“Had to be, or I’d be dead” I say poking fun at him.

“Ha well not necessarily… but anyways you wanna get lunch again?"

"Cant… meeting is around that time, plus I don't wanna take any chances on being late."

"Awh, you're really worried about that meeting, huh?"

"Well yeah no shit, might lose my job!"

"Don't worry you'll be fine."

"Thanks.""Well we should get working now, I don't want upper-management finding us here slacking"

Both me and Josiah walk into our department and walk to our cubicles. Gosh I can't wait for this day to be over with. I slouch in my chair, getting reading to start writing emails and whatever. I believe my meeting is around 12:00, so I guess I have to stay in this anxious state for a few hours. 

An hour goes by, with me un-patiently waiting for the day to end. As I'm replying to an email I feel someone's arms wrap around me. I turn around and see Josiah, his head leaning on my shoulder. I admittedly turn the other way, lowkey flustered.

"Hey…." I awkwardly say, not knowing what to do in this situation.

"Just wanted to see what you're doing" 

"Well…what else, just working"


"You're lucky they haven't fired you"

"I know" he smirks and then walks away.

A few hours go by and now it's 11:45 am. Well, I should get ready to head up to the meeting. Can't believe this might be the last time I'll ever work here…I'm not sure I'd find another job in time to continue paying rent on time.

I walk up the stairs and into the HR department/room. There they are, the HR people and Gary sitting at a table. I take the seat across from them.

"I'm glad you made it" Gary says.

I nod my head. "Well I don't want to drag this along more than it needs to be but, we decided to…uh…well we don't think your best suit for this company" Gary says looking at the papers on the table. "We have given you more than 3 chances in the past, and we believe that is enough. I'm sorry, this is your 1 week prior notice. Your last day will be next Friday"

I sit there, just taking in the situation. If I were to ask for another chance I may come off as powerless, I hate this work environment anyways. "Ok, I understand" I say calmly and walk out the room.

Wow I can’t believe i'm holding tears back….I hated this workplace anyways so why am I sad about it. I know if I walk back into that department everyone is gonna know. Especially that dipshit Jackson... I can’t. I walk down the stairs and take a seat on the last row of the steps. I let out a quiet sob. Im so fucking weak I tell myself. I gotta go back in there and pretend I'm unbothered. Shit…I see Josiah walking towards me. Man I didn’t want anyone to see me this way. He takes a seat on the steps next to me. We both sit there in silence for a minute.

“I'm sorry” he whispers.

“For what?”

“At times they treated you like shit, I didn’t actually think they would fire you. What bullshit.”

“It’s whatever, I’ll just try and find a new job”...I wish it was that easy.

“Guess I'll miss you working here huh?”

“Sure you will.”

He laughed, then got up and walked back to our department. I guess I’ll do the same.

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