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From what I understood he had been in the same pack since he was a child. He'd been born into a pack but when they found out he couldn't shift he was given to a nearby pack that said they'd take him on. It was his aunt who lived in a nearby pack to his that had contacted me. She'd said that there had been an incident and he needed a new pack. When I'd pressed she'd said that a married warrior had become overly interested in him and caused trouble. She said that as an omega he'd done nothing to encourage him. He was apparently just a rather cute and wonderful Omega who got a lot of attention. I could agree with that. He was about five nine or ten. Thin, lithe I think was the word. He had wonderful black hair. The kind that was so shiny it looked blue. His eyes were a bright and pale blue. Though I'd gotten only a glimpse of them. He was looking down very submissive after being introduced. His aunt had left him in my care and headed out a little while ago. He still stood in the same spot in my office not looking at me. He only answered things I asked. He wasn't just submissive seemed to have no desire to do anything without an order first. As Alpha I had a responsibility to my pack to understand those I was bringing into their midst and to make sure that he was well cared for. I'd already spread it through the pack that he wasn't to be bothered and if anyone wanted to date him they had better be on their best behavior. He was sure to get interest since he was really cute. Standing quiet and still as I watched him. How long would it take before he moved or asked a question? I just watched the clock and when a half hour past and he still stood there unmoving and silent I gave in. He was a very unusually submissive wolf.

"So, Devon, you'll be living here at the house with us. The single Omega's all live here to be safe. You have a room mate is that alright?" he nodded immediately. "Alright well I'll walk you up and let you unpack." he collected the suitcase at his feet and waited to follow me, silently. The room was on the third floor where the warriors and enforcers rooms were as well. The second floor was my suite, my beta's suite and some guest bedrooms. The first floor was all the common rooms. Kitchen living room, movie room, study, library, kitchen, dining room, sunroom, a few others. The basement had the pack clinic and storage as well as the cells for bad little wolves. His room mate was Allison. She'd been excited to get a room mate and had been up here cleaning all day. Though I knew that she spent only a few nights up here a month. She bounced over as soon as I walked in the door. Her eyes skipping me and going to Devon.

"Devon this is Allison your room mate. She'll help you settle in and answer any questions you have. If you aren't sure about something and aren't sure about asking her feel free to ask me or the Beta, Tim. Okay?" he nodded still looking at the floor. She went over and didn't hesitate to hug him. That got a startled look from him.

"I'm so happy to have a room mate. It gets lonely up here just me. We'll be the best of friends I'm sure. Here I'll help you unpack and then show you all over the house. The Omega's make dinner for everyone so we'll start that about five. Do you like to cook?" she asks. He is watching her, silently. A single head nod was his reply. "Good. I'm not so good at it but they let me do things to help anyway. I smile at her.

"I'll leave him to your care. Let me know if he needs anything."

"Okay." he gives me a glance. Well it was more accurate to say he glanced at my shoes as they left the room. I just happened to be in my shoes. Wow was he submissive. Most Omega's that were that submissive were fear driven and that made me worry about how he'd been treated in his former pack. His aunt hadn't seemed like anything was amiss. It could be that he was just an overly sensitive and fearful Omega. I'd keep an eye on him. Back in my office I pushed the curiosity about him away and focused on the paperwork for the pack construction business. It was good work for Shifters. We were strong and capable of building with ease. Where humans needed lots of people and equipment we got just as much done, with less. I was still in my office when the gong goes over the intercom signaling dinner. I insisted that if you were in the house you ate as a group. They'd wait till I was there and started eating before eating themselves. The dining room was a den of noise like normal. I looked around for our new member and found him next to Allison. He stared at the food on the table and was perfectly still. I cleared my throat and everyone went silent.

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