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I slid into my shirt then into my shoes, the rest of my clothes already on after my shower.

"So, you are pretty screwed." Tim tells me after hearing my explanation.

"Thank you Mr Helpful." I say and head for the kitchen. He's at the stove and doesn't even look up when I come in. Annie brings me my breakfast and I sigh. Make that five steps back. Everyone is once again watching the two of us.

"What do you think he did this time?" Someone whispers. I sigh. I just watch not eating until he takes off and get up to follow him. This time I can't find him though. Giving up after an hour I do what I considered cheating and followed my link to the greenhouse. He's cut a top off a sunflower and was picking the seeds, one by one, out of it's head.

"Trying to hide from me?" He drops the head and spins around.

"Ben." Well that was a good sign first name not Alpha.

"Hi. You okay?"

"I'm fine." He says.

"Want to tell me why you are avoiding me like I'm carrying the plague?"

"I'm not avoiding you." That was an out and out lie and smelled like it.

"So then what are you doing?"

"Preserving myself by hiding so I don't combust in embarrassment." I chuckle.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed. I'm not."

"You weren't the one so worthless you couldn't even make yourself cum." He says little tears sneaking out of his eyes. I took a breath and pulled him into my arms as he cried.

"Devon, your former alpha, trained you this way. He took a lot of pains to make sure that you only did what he wanted. You were his toy to do what he wanted with. He kept you from learning like any other guy would, how to make yourself cum. He made sure that you only came with him, and being fucked. It's not your fault. You didn't have a say in this. I don't know if you'll ever be able to change it. If you'll be able to make yourself cum but I'm definitely volunteering to help anytime you want." he didn't say anything but stood there like a stone.

"Devon, since you seem to be a little oblivious to this I'm going to tell you straight out." I pulled back and tilted his head up until he looked me in the eyes. "I like you. I want to date you. It's why I've been spending so much time with you. Trying to get to know you. You are sweet and a wonderful person I really want to know better. Last night I might have been trying to help you with a real problem but trust me it was my pleasure and I really hope that you'll want me again. Not just to help you cum, if you have that trouble, again but just because you want me. I think my only worry is that this will put me in the same vein as your former alpha. I want you because I care for you Devon. Not as some... trophy. You don't need to respond in any way but how you want too. If all you want tonight is to go to sleep that's perfectly fine. If you don't want more than that ever, don't want a relationship with me... well I'll be disappointed but I'll be alright if you follow what you want. You understand?" He nods.

"Alright. I've got work to do but I'm around if you need me or just want me." He smiles and I give him an affectionate smile before heading for my office. Tim was there waiting for me.


"He was embarrassed about last night. It's fine."

"Good. Now I've got work to do." he just waves as he heads out. This was going to be a complicated relationship. But no matter the stress and complications I wanted it, I wanted him. At lunch when he served me himself everyone seemed to relax. They were seriously hanging on him and I. At dinner I waited and when Dale started to sit on my right hand side I gave him a smack.

"Not your seat. Go sit next to Allison." He smiles and just moves. Everyone got their plates and then I saw Devon realize the only seat open was next to me. I said nothing just smiled as he sat blushing bright red. I looked at Tim who was just eating oblivious. Art sat next to Tim.

"Hey Art, why don't you switch with Allison." He laughs and hops up. Allison moves grinning the entire time. Tim looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Allison I think he wants to talk to you after dinner." Tim goes still. His fork of spaghetti half way to his mouth just hangs there. His eyes dart to me then to Allison. Allison sits there staring at him.

"Is that right? Having something you need to talk to me about?" he looked at her looked around the table then looked at me. He sighed dropped his for and rolled his eyes. Getting a determined look on his face he turns to her.

"Why wait till later. Will you be my mate?" I just chuckle at her stunned face.

"Yes. I didn't think you'd actually ask." He snorts and kisses her deeply. She is grinning the rest of the night. 

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