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As I drove I held his hand. "Devon promise me that when your are afraid you'll tell me. I promise I'll always listen."

"But... what if... what if it's something that is bad or..."

"I love you. Good or bad don't hide because of fear. Tell me."

"But what if it's something that makes you stop loving me?"

"Nothing in the world will ever make me stop loving you. I might get mad or upset at times but I will always love you. You believe me, right?" He nods and smiles wide.

"Good." Lifting his hand I kiss the back and chuckle. "Allison is going to love that you and she are pregnant at the same time. She'll give you a smack for going into town alone."

"Will you tell her why I went into town?"

"All we'll say is you went into the doctor about the baby. The details are our business alone. Did the doctor have a chance to examine you?"

"Yes. She said she heard two heart beats and the baby and I seemed fine. Then did an ultra sound, she did say I was about two weeks along." I grinned.

"You'll start to gain weight and look so very cute."

"I'll be fat. I won't be able to make love." he says. I can hear the worry in his voice. I park in the drive and turn to him.

"Who said you can't make love?"

"He said that... but... can I?" he asked. Finally he was doubting what he had been told.

"Absolutely. You can call and ask the doctor if you want to be sure. But we've had lots of babies in the pack. Making love is perfectly fine. Even when you get big and close to birth we can. As long as you aren't in pain or anything it'll be fine. It's noticed that some who get pregnant get a lot... hornier, during their pregnancies." I tease leaning over for a kiss. His door is jerked open and Allison drags him out of the car.

"Boy I could beat your ass. Do you know how scared I was. Why the hell did you take off? Why the hell didn't you tell anyone? Tim said you were found at the doctors? Are you alright?"

"Yes. I'm pregnant. I just needed to talk to the doctor about it. I didn't mean to scare anyone." She stared.

"You walked into town pregnant?"

"Yes." He admitted. She turned him and slapped his ass hard. "I'm going to beat you. Walking into town pregnant. God you get inside and go straight to Ben's room and get in the tub. You take a nice long hot bath. I'll make you something to eat. Then he can make sure you take a nap. I can see it's been somewhat emotional. You can explain while we make dinner." I followed him in and up to my room, our room. He did just as she ordered and started a hot bath. Deciding he needed to be helped I stripped and slid into the big garden tub with him. He just smiled and curled into my arms and back against my chest.

"I'm sorry Ben. I won't do anything like that ever again."

"Good. So about our mating?" He tipped his head back to look at me. Yes, he was back to looking at me again. "Can we do that tonight? Is that alright?" he smiled.

"Yes." I saw him bite his lip. "You really want me as mate and to marry me?"

"Yes. You don't doubt me do you?"

"No. I just... I guess I'm still... I'm just surprised that you want me that much. I know you mean it. I know that what he told me is wrong. But I think I'm having a hard time thinking I'm really worth it. You love me, you want me as mate and husband." He turned and cuddled into my chest. I used the cloth to gently massage him. I did it until the water was getting cool and then stood with him in my arms. I set him on the toilet seat while I dried him off, then me, before carrying him to bed and laying there to let him nap in my arms. It was the feel of him moving that woke me.

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