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He was gone when I woke. My early riser was probably already up making breakfast. I quickly showered and dressed. I was right. He was at the stove grinning. He had the full kings breakfast going. I went over and kissed his neck. The surprise movement made him jump.

"Hi. How did you sleep?" I ask. A full happy feeling was in our link.

"Really good. Did you sleep alright? I was nearly on top of you this morning." I give a delighted moan.

"Now there's something we'll try when we're both awake." that makes him blush brightly.

"Go sit, I'll bring you a plate in a moment." being a good boy I go sit and ignore all the knowing grins of my pack. Tim is sitting there shaking his head.

"You two are so gooey it's sickening." I laugh and watch my little one bounce around in happiness as he cooks. When he brings me my plate of eggs, bacon, ham, pancakes, and a mug of coffee, I grab him for a good kiss before letting him escape from me while blushing again.

"Did you eat little one?" I ask. I get several looks at my nickname for him.

"Yes. I had biscuits with gravy and some fruit. Tim made me some orange juice this morning from the bunch in the fridge. It was very good." I looked at my Beta.

"Fresh is better than the bottled stuff. I split the juice between him and Allison. She's eaten nearly a pound of bacon herself." I laugh as she comes over and smacks his head.

"Behave, it's your son making me eat like a starving giant."

"Eat all you want, I'll help you nap later so he can grow some more." Tim says kissing her. Looking at Devon I see him sneak a piece of bacon. When breakfast is over I ignore work and take Devon up to the bedroom.

"What are we doing up here?" He asks blushing.

"You worked hard for breakfast. You should nap. I'll keep you company so you don't get cold." I say and smiling slip into bed with him. He's just smiling as we kiss. He meets me stroke for stroke, kiss for kiss and cums with me. It's him jerking from my arms that wakes me up. Devon is sprinting for the bathroom.

"Devon?" I ask and rush after him. He gets to the toilet just in time to throw up what was left in his stomach. I held him up as he kept going until he was dry heaving. He had tears on his face and gave a whimper as he knelt in relief.

"I was really hoping not to have morning sickness. I hate throwing up. Makes me feel awful."

"I was hoping that too. Let me get you some water." I grabbed a Dixie cup from the sink and a wet rag. After washing his face I hand him the cup. He swishes his mouth twice then drinks the end of the water.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"My stomach hurts from the cramping and I need to brush my teeth. I'm not sure I can stand though."

"Let me help." I put an arm under his and help him to stand. I keep most of his weight up while he brushes his teeth with the extra brush I had here for him. Then helped him back to bed.

"You need to sleep. Do you want anything, a drink or something?"

"Some water would be good."

"Alright I'll run down and grab a bottle for you. Just rest." he nods. I hurry down and get a bottle of water and a bottle of Gatorade. When I get back up he's already back asleep. Sitting the bottles down I decide to let him rest but I don't really want to leave. So I go down get some paperwork and my laptop. Sitting in the chair in my room I just work while I watch him. As it gets near lunch Allison pops up knocking gently. Not wanting him to wake before he's ready I hurry and open the door.

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