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Devon's POV

"BJ, DJ, help your brothers on with their coats. Anthony stop tugging on Jade's pony tail." My five boys and one little girl were getting ready for the bus. From youngest to oldest, Jade being the youngest, Eight, Eleven, Thirteen, and the twins were now fourteen.

"Don't forget daddy and I are picking you up so don't get on the bus. Jade do you have your whistle?" She fishes it from inside her shirt and nods. She was an Omega just like me, that meant that she got picked on by some of the other wolves. We'd gotten her the whistle so anytime they were bothering her she could blow it and get the teachers attention. She and Brian, the thirteen year old, were red wolves like me. I knew Brian would be the one to use that beautiful red coat to charm the ladies. Jade liked being a red but she got teased about it so she didn't advertise that is what she was. The others were all black wolves like Ben. We'd thought we'd get at least one if not two gray or silver but Ben's DNA was very strong. Thinking of my mate, it was the first day of school he always saw them off with me. Just as the bus comes into sight down the road Ben shows up from the direction of the stares. Tipping my head back I got my kiss. I liked getting them anytime I saw him or if he was leaving.

"Everyone ready? Jade, do you have your whistle?" She giggled and lifted it to show him. "Good girl. Remember Jack when you are out on the play ground try to watch out for her. Okay?"

"Right dad."

"We'll pick you up for our traditional first day of school dinner so don't get on the bus." He looks to the oldest two and raises an eyebrow his voice going stern as he goes on, "You two better remember what I told you as well. As alpha's you have a responsibility to protect others. If we have any pranks this year I'm going to let Uncle Tim spar with you. He won't be as easy with you as I am, and don't let Chris talk you into anything either. Be good."

"We will dad." The two boys say in unison. A honk is heard and they hurry out. BJ, the natural caretaker brought up the rear to make sure that his siblings got on the bus just fine. DJ, was a natural leader and fighter. He was the one we had to caution to keep control so he didn't hurt anyone. Brian was the studious Brainiac. He'd never really followed his older brothers into their misfit stage. Anthony and Jack, twins again, were a good mix the both of them had their mischievous sides but their good sides as well. Jade, my sweet Omega, we had just realized this summer that she was a natural den mother. She'd be a wolf who would naturally be the one in the pack to be baby and pregnant mommy centered. It was instinct. Ben had one hand on the small of my back and was waving with the other. When the bus was on it's way we step inside and shut the door. He helps me to my spot on the couch and sits next to me.

"Think these will take after the older ones or the younger ones?" He asks rubbing my, very large, stomach.

"I think we're going to get a completely new personality in these three." Yep triplets. Two girls and a boy. We hadn't really planned on them. After getting Jade, the girl we both longed for, we were happy and done we thought. But we'd gotten carried away on a date night run. The names we had picked out were Catherine, Emily, and Lee.

"Just going to sit here and relax?" He asks.

"Yes. I know you and the doctor both are worried about another pregnancy and these being triplets. I'm going to do some emails and phone calls to the pack. Then Alli was going to come over and help me up to the nursery. We are done with the sprucing and just double checking now."

"Okay. Well you know I'll be in my office, all you have to do is shout and I'll come running." He bends to kiss me, when he starts to lean back I reach up and hold his face steady as I kiss him again, then again. He gave a moan and immediately fell into the desire with me. I'd been so scared and nervous when we first mated but over the years, well Ben says I blossomed. I was confident in my pack, in my friends, my children. I was confident with my mate when we were leading the pack. But the place I felt the most at ease, the most loved, safest and freest, was in Ben's arms. My favorite place to be. I loved him more then I could really express and knew he felt the same for me. After so much pain when I was younger, to have this kind of happiness... I knew that nothing in this world would ever be able to keep me from him or kill my love for him. It would last a lifetime.

I just hoped my children found mates and loves like I had found.

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