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It's six hours later that I'm driving back up to my home. It had taken me hours to get there, only a half hour to get past his sons and kill him before turning around and driving home. It was two hours past dinner now. Going in I find an irate Allison in the living room. She goes up and gives Tim's chest a smack.

"No text, nothing? Gone for hours? I had to find out from Kevin where you were. I could strangle you." She turns to me and growls. "But you I could kill. You left for six hours while your mate has been pacing your bedroom with your crying sons and scared silly for you."

"Nice to see you too." I say and just turn for the stairs.

"I recommended he welcome you back then make you sleep in your office." She tells my back. Going up I find him pacing. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest and he was crying. The boys were asleep on the bed.

"Little one?" He spins to me. Relief, joy both run over his face and he runs to hurl himself into my arms. I give a wince and grunt but held him tight. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

"No. How could you leave me like that I was so scared. The boys were so upset too."

"Probably because you were." I tell him rubbing his back.

"They cried themselves to sleep. Wouldn't eat. Not that I could eat either. I love you so much." He jerks back and starts pulling at my clothes. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He pulls up my shirt and see's the bruises and claw marks and starts to cry again.

"I'm alright."

"No your not." He pulls me into the bathroom and pulls my clothes from me. Sitting me on the toilet lid naked, he grabs a cloth and soap and starts washing my cuts on my chest, arms, and legs. He's crying quietly giving a shaking sob now and again. Why couldn't he be mad at me like Allison was mad at Tim. "Look at this. These cuts will take awhile to heal. Does it hurt?"

"No." I tell him. He takes a breath and drops the cloth. Another breath and his crying quiets.

"Did you kill him?"

"Yes. Maimed your brothers and scared the crap out of your mother. I'm sorry little one. I know it probably bothered you for me to do that but you are my mate, the man I love and I wasn't going to let the injustice done to you just stand. They gave you away like a stray puppy. They knew you were being hurt and didn't do anything. Hell they encouraged it."

"I understand. I appreciate it, even am thankful that you stood up for me. That's not why I'm upset?"

"Then what's wrong? Why are you crying so much?" He turned and practically fell into my arms.

"You were hurt because of me. If I hadn't asked you to call them you'd have never known and not gone to get justice on my behalf. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you were hurt for me." I cuddled him into my lap and held him tightly.

"Oh little one, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. It's theirs. They are responsible for starting you on your path and letting you stay there knowing you were hurt. What they did, any alpha would have done it for their pack. I did it for you because I love you and wasn't going to wait for the slow roll of justice to tell me that there wasn't any evidence and not doing anything. You are my precious Luna I'd do anything in the world for you." He lifts from my shoulder and looks at my face.

"I love you too Ben, with all my heart." I kiss him deeply and push him up.

"Let's go see if the boys will eat their dinner now that everything is back to normal." He nods.

"What's wrong?" I ask Devon as he hesitates. I've already pulled off my clothes inside the woods and was waiting for him to strip so we could go on our first run together.

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