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"You okay Devon?" he jumps and darts a look at me before dropping his eyes.


"You seem, pensive." I tell him.

"I uh... I didn't expect them to act like that." I chuckled.

"Didn't your old pack tell you how good your cooking was?" He just stared at the table frowning. "Trust me, for us this is phenomenal. What did your old pack say about your cooking?" He seemed confused then shook his head. "Did they say anything at all about it?"

"They would ask for certain things to be made. The chocolate one was their favorite. They asked for my chicken and dumplings I made it often. They didn't like the stir fry I did. Marcus doesn't like mushrooms and Alice is allergic to blueberries. Alpha doesn't like meatloaf and insists when I do it that I have to have lasagna the same night. Luna insists on only one full calorie dessert the others must be low sugar or sugar free." I very calmly stood and went to sit next to him. "Andy says that I bake better than I cook. Alpha John said that my tea is too sweet and I need to filter the water more."

"I thought your alpha's name was Richard."

"John is his son."

"Did they ever tell you they liked something the most better than anything you ever made before?" I ask quietly. He glanced at me and tucked his hands between his legs.

"My preserves. They asked for me to make preserves all year long. Of all kinds. The entire pack would want them for Christmas. I'd have to stay up all night for weeks before hand to get enough made."

"Hmm, that sounds great. We'll make the pack here not run you so ragged. They can come visit here and get their fill." I tell him. He smiles slightly. The pack filters back in from the kitchen licking forks and Kevin's got another pie plate and licking. I laugh loudly and feel Devon jump next to me.

"Kevin, there will be other dinners you know."

"Don't tell my mom this but his pies are the best things I have ever eaten in my life." I glance at Devon who is staring at his lap in shock.

"Anyone agree?" I ask watching him. Everyone agrees. I chuckled. "Don't worry I won't tattle to anyone's mom." I say and stand slowly.

"Hey Devon do you take requests?" one of the warriors asks. Devon looks up and in the general direction but his eyes don't go high enough for a face.

"Yes." He says. Allison pipes up quickly.

"I'll put a pad in the kitchen you can right suggestions. He's sweet enough he'll want to do them all so we'll just go in order."

"I hear he makes great preserves." I say going back to my seat for my coffee cup. Annie another one of the Omega's grins.

"Ooh homemade preserves to go with my bread. That will get the warriors out of bed in the morning."

"Devon, lets leave your fans here. I'll show you the back deck and green house." I saw worry and a touch of fear go over his face. Why was being alone with me a problem? "Allison you want to come."

"No thanks I don't like dirt." she says and disappears out the room. Alright so I guess him and I it was. The back deck was big and it ran from one corner to the other of the house. It had three walkways. One went to the building that house the pool, one went to the green house and one went back toward open area with a fire pit and poles for a rotisserie spit.

"The pack and green house are open to all pack and you'll see people come and go all the time for them. The pool is open all year round. The fire pit is used regularly by everyone. You'll see the guys come up with deer and other things and just start roasting them. Benefit to owning all the land we can hunt whenever we want. The only place in the control of the pack that is restricted access is the basement cells. You have to have a pin code to access that room but everything else is up for use. At anytime. Though knocking on closed doors is advisable since the warriors live here they tend to bring dates here and you never know what you might see when you walk in." I say chuckling. Nope not even a flicker. I strolled slowly to the green house and let him go in first.

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