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Sorry for not updating in a while! A lot has been going on in my life but I'm back now!

Gina's Pov;

As my eyes fluttered opened, all I could see was Skylynn's big brown eyes.

"Hi GG" she smiled and rolled off of me. She jumped onto the floor and started running out of the room. I jumped and ran after her. Well it was more of a slow walk but it was a run for me.

"Sky!" I panted and leaned against a wall to catch my breath.

Eventually I caught up with her only to find myself in the chapel. Skylynn sat down and patted the seat next to her.

"Sit down GG" she chirped and i followed her request. As I sat down, a familiar voice echoed..

"Brett... You need to listen to me! You need to keep fighting! What ever you do, don't stop! I have faith in you! You're not gonna die in the near future, and lets just say I got that from an inside well, other side, source"

"Ness? i stood up but as I stood up i realized it was all just a dream


As I opened my eyes, Nash and Hayes were chewing on ice cubes.

"Stop it! You're gonna chip a tooth!" My mom yelled as she walked in with Skylynn on her hip.

"Remember that whole life support talk?" I sat up and leaned against a tower of pillows behind me.

"You mean the one where you were gonna pretty much commit suicide and just stop trying to survive? Ya, I remember it..." Hayes crossed his arms.

"Ya, that one..." I mumbled. "I decided I'm gonna keep fighting" i looked up and everyone stared at me.

"What's with the change of heart?" Hayes looked at me with smiling eyes.

"Let's just say Skylynn influenced me to change me mind" I smiled at the beautiful little girl I get to call my sister.

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