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Gina's Pov;

As I looked out the window, I tried to see the sun. I tired to see the warmth and the beauty the nurse was talking about. Then it hit me! Literally! the smallest of light rays struck the corner of my bed. I quickly twisted my head and saw the sun trying to peak through the clouds. Although it was raining, I noticed the sun! The door opened and I heard Hayes's laugh. 

"Hayes!" I yelled and he looked at me while taking a sip of his Starbucks beverage.

"What?" he laughed and sat down in a chair by the window.

"Are you optimistic?" I smiled and a blank expression formed on his face.

"Are you ok? Does your IV drip need to be changed?" He looked at the door which was hidden from me by a small hallway then started laughing.

"What is it?" I stood up and he looked at me.

"Get back in bed" he stood up and I sat back down. "And ya, I guess I'm optimistic" he sighed and I nodded.

"Good, that's good" I smiled as he turned his attention back to the door. "Hayes, what's so interesting about the door?" I hissed and he shook his head.

"I know you hate surprises but, surprise?" he smiled as a bunch of laughter came echoing down the short hallway.

"Hey?" Nash smiled and I just stood up.

"I forgot.. I have to go to a group session" I grabbed the rolling stand that held my IVs and Oxygen tank and walked out.

What makes Nash think he can just waltz right in here and everything will be normal. I almost died while he was away! What am I saying?! I'm being so selfish right now! Nash has all these great opportunities and I can't hold him down! As optimistic as I wanna be, I'm not gonna survive another year! I can feel my body slowly getting consumed by the curse.


If you guys like this book then go check out my friend (idek_pineapples) book 'It Is What It Is'. It's a great book so far! I know that if you like this than you will like hers as well!

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