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Gina's Pov;

As I stared up at the tiled ceiling I felt something weird happen... I felt like the weight on my chest just vanished. Like I was starting to get, better!

Who am I kidding?! I'm not getting better! Cancer patients don't just get better in seconds! Cancer patients get cursed with a sickness for a certain amount of years and eventually the curse consumes them and kills them. Only the lucky ones learn how to break the curse.

As I compared my sickness to a childhood fairy tale, the door opened to my room and a tall nurse came in. She had a big smile plastered on her face as she walked over to the curtains.

"It's a beautiful, sunny day!" she cheered as she opened the curtains. There were several clouds in the sky and rain drops dripping down the windows that couldn't open more than a centimeter.

"Um, it's raining and it's cloudy" I looked at the nurse with a confused look on my face.

"Yes, but beyond the clouds there is sun! Somewhere else in the world it is beautiful! No clouds and no rain, only sun and warmth!" she grabbed my arm and took IV drip out to change the bag.

"Ya but it's gross here" I looked out the window and sighed "Compared to Orlando this is disgusting" I mumbled as the thoughts of Nash having a great time infested my brain.

"You my friend, you see the glass half empty! I see the glass half full" she smiled and replaced the bags. "I've realized that in order to be happy in this life you need to be optimistic... or have wealth but that's not true happiness! When you see the glass half full you think you have more than you do when you think of it as half empty" she smiled and sat down on the side of my bed. "You need to think about how many days left you have to make a great life for yourself compared to how many days left you have till you die. You'll find your time on this planet better and more successful!" The nurse patted my leg before getting up and leaving.

She's right! I've been so negative and miserable that I haven't been noticing the good things, I've only been complaining about the bad things!

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