Chapter 1: Visitors

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The wind blew soft as four boys sat among other students in Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
'Admit it Prongs! Lily Evans is not yours!,' a sleep deprived Sirius Black sighed. 'Oh come on Padfoot! Not you too!' James shouted. Professor McGonagall watched in amusement as the boys bickered.

Unnoticed by both, teachers and students, a spark had started in the middle of the Great Hall. Silence spread across the room as people started seeing the wormhole. Silent and majestic, it rose into the air, growing larger by the minute. By now, all the elder students and teachers had crowded along its rim, wands held high, pointed to the unknown. The younger students moved closer to the doors. The silence was deafening.

Suddenly multiple masses fell through the hole. One upon the other, they formed a pile. Multiple voices could be heard.

'Ow! My foot!'


'Scorpius! Get off!'

'Sorry Alby!'

'Where in the Hades are we?'


'Has anyone seen Lily?'



'Nev! Your leg's on my face!'



'Who has my butterbeer?'


'Who are you?' Albus Dumbledore's voice rang through the hall.

'Harry? Does he look alive to you?' A girl with auburn hair and brown eyes asked. As soon as they had landed, the girl had picked up two infants.

'Y-Yeah Alice. He does. Wait. Weren't you at the ministry?' A boy with black hair and green eyes replied, pulling out his wand.

'We're at Hogwarts! Alby look! But this seems... older.' A teenager with blond hair and grey eyes said.

'Wait a second. Minnie's here. Maybe she can tell us. Hey Minnie! How's it going? Mind telling us why the Zeus were we called here?' Alice said.

'Al! Shut up! Look at their faces! They seem familiar... They look like...' a girl with frizzy hair paused, deep in thought.

'You mean to tell me that the twins messed up again, 'Mione?'

'The twins were at home. They couldn't have. Think its someone from your dad's?' An elder redhead asked.

'Seems like it, love.' Alice turned to Minerva McGonagall. 'What's the year Minni- sorry- Professor?'

'1976. Now answer our question. Who. Are. You.' Professor McGonagall sternly said.

Alice promptly decided to ignore the woman.

'Why did Grandfather have to do this? I mean literally! I am so going to get back at him for this. T is probably worried about me. I told him that I'd meet him in a few minutes. He would probably go crazy trying to find me. We need to get a message there somehow. He'll probably tell Mum and Dude too. Holy Hades. Look on the bright side, idiot.'

'Har! We could see Mom and Dad! Ooh! We could see Wolfstar too! Maybe even Aunt Mar! Or even Professor Sev! Think about it! Maybe even see Young Mama Bear and Popsicle! Ron! You could see your baby brothers! And maybe I could see Aunt Cissa and Aunt Bella again! Maybe even Aunt Andy and Uncle Ted! Wait... Dumblydoor. Could you tell me the date, old man?'

'January 1st, young one.'

'We're at Hogwarts, on January 1st 1976! Harry! They're probably here. And I'm pretty sure Mom and Dad aren't together yet. Neither are Wolfstar. Nymphy Part 1 is probably a baby. So are Bill and Charlie. We could be matchma- HEY!'Alice got cut off by a book hitting her on her head.

'We need to prove that we come in peace first. Then you can play matchmaker.' Hermione interrupted.

'Albus Dumbledore. Nice to meet you. My name is Hermione Granger. Minister of Magic, coming from the year 2020.'

Immediately sounds of protest and surprise rang throughout the great hall.

'WHAT DO YOU MEAN "FROM THE YEAR 2020?"' shouted Sirius, from his position, it looked like he had rushed to stand infront of Remus.(A/N I ship it.)

'Guys. Give me a minute. I'm trying to get in contact with T, Mom and Dad.' Alice looked like she was concentrating on something infront of her.

'I have a connection! Let me Iris message them. Help me out 'Mione?'

'With pleasure,' and once she said this, Hermione Granger waved her wand to make a spray of steady mist.

Alice dropped a golden coin into the mist and said loud and clear, 'Fleecy, do me a solid show me Mum, Dude and T in the year 2020, Throne Room, Olympus.'


Sorry Guys! I want to build some suspense. Here's a small incident for consolation.

Star was having a bad day. Firstly, Morpheus decided to wake them up at 3 in the morning, and Hypnos did not help them fall back asleep. Their nights had been getting worse and they found it harder to fall asleep.

After spending hours staring at the ceiling, the horn for breakfast sounded and on the way there, they slipped on a big strip of water that disappeared the moment they looked back. After a bland breakfast of pancakes, they headed back to the Zeus cabin to get dressed.

Their bestfriend, G[redacted] (Daughter of Aphrodite), immediately knew something was up as she saw them head towards the amphitheatre. Music was the one thing they found solace in. As G entered, Star was singing the last few lines of Runaway by AURORA.(^)

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
But no, take me home
Take me home where I belong
I got no other place to go
No, take me home
Take me home where I belong
I got no other place to go
No, take me home
Home where I belong
Oh, no, no
No, take me home
Home where I belong
Ho, ho, ho
No, take me home
Home where I belong
Oh, no, no
No, take me home
Home where I belong
I can't take it anymore

'So,' said G. 'Mind telling me why your mood is off?'

'Eh. Day's bad. Didn't get sleep. The usual.'

'Wanna talk about it?'

'I don't wanna bore you.'

'You could never.'

And there they both sat for a whole hour feeling blissful. G happy that Star could trust her and Star happy that they had someone to confide in.


Please. Eat something. Drink a little bit of water. Get some sleep. If you need someone to talk to, you can always message me. 

See ya later!

(1000 Words including A/N)

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