Chapter 5: Sorry We're A Bit Late

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Hey! I know this is late. This chapter starts with a huge timeskip. If anyone wants to know what happened in the middle, put it in the comments and I'll write a bonus chapter for whichever part you want. Anyways... Enjoy!

(3rd Person POV)

It was the next morning that the Weasleys, the Lupins, the Blacks, the Tonks and the Potters showed up at Hogwarts alongside the Minister of Magic from then, Harold Minchum. Nobody knew why they were there but they were welcomed as familiar faces. Breakfast was on in full-swing but a tense silence filled the Great Hall as Dumbledore came upwards to the podium.

"I must say, it was quite easy to capture your attention this morning. I welcome the families invited this morning. I know that all of you have been anxious to know who the visitors that arrived yesterday are. We have arrived at a conclusion that we must introduce these newcomers to this generation. I invite Alice to come to the stage and introduce all of us to their world."

Alice waltzed onto the stage. "Thanks loads, Dumbly! Anywho, I think there are a few clarifications before we start the Introductions. Firstly, most of us are wizards. But none of us are muggles, if that makes sense. There are... 11 plus... 48 of us all, yeah. Secondly, yes, we're from the year 2020, which means that we're from the future. Thirdly, you all are exempt from your classes for the next few days, with permission from your headmaster. Fourthly, you all can relax, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Make sense?"

"Why are we here," Walburga Black questioned, sitting at the Slytherin table.

"To torment us," Sirius suggested quietly.

A boy from Ravenclaw raised his hand, "Why should we trust you?"

"That brings me to the introductions. I can't be more serious when I ask you to please be quiet for the rest of the introductions. Your sounds of indignation can wait for later. Come on up, guys," Alice gestured.

"Hi? I'm Ron, Ron Weasley. I work as the co-manager of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes."

"Wait, what," Molly questioned.

"I'm Hermione Granger-Weasley. Minister of Magic."

"Minister of Magic? You?" said Harold.

"Neville Longbottom. Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts."

"Longbottom," Frank Longbottom from the Hufflepuff table muttered.

"Luna Lovegood. Wizarding Naturalist."

"That's a new profession," a Gryffindor girl noted.

"Ginny Potter nee Weasley. Ex-Quidditch player for Holyhead Harpies, Senior Quidditch reporter for the Daily Prophet."

"Why would the Harpies select you," an inexperienced Quidditch enthusiast sneered.

"Because I'm fast and I know how to catch. I bet you can't do either of those things," Ginny replied.

"Harry Potter. Ex-Auror, Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Ministry of Magic."

"Did- Did you say Potter?" 

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