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"Emmeline, if you don't pack it in right now, you'll not be having a birthday party" Michael warned to his daughter, who was mouthing off to Gina about something that had happened with her friends.

"Oh leave her alone" Gina said "She's upset"

"You're too soft on these bloody kids" Michael grumbled "No wonder they're always running fucking rings around us"

"She needs to be able to express herself to us" Gina said, causing Michael to roll his eyes

"She can express herself without being a rude little brat"

"What's up with you today?" Gina asked, as she started playing with her husband's hair "You've been miserable all morning"

Michael shook his head "Nothing, I just want a peaceful day off"
"Let's do something with the kids then" Gina suggested "They'll probably behave themselves if we distract them with something they enjoy"

"And what do you suggest, my darling?" Michael asked, not hating the idea of spending some actual nice time with his kids

"Well, the funfair's in town, why don't we take them down there for a couple of hours?"

Michael nodded a little "I think Eddie's a little too old for the funfair"

"Nonsense!" Gina exclaimed "You are never too old for the funfair!"

"Is that right?" Michael chuckled "Are you sure it's not you that wants to go?"

"Pleassseeee can we go?" Gina asked, resting her head on Michael's shoulder and looking up at him sweetly

Michael shook his head at his wife "Of course we can go to funfair"

"Brilliant!" Gina beamed "I'll go tell the kids!"

Michael couldn't help but chuckle at how child-like his wife was, but nevertheless, he got up and grabbed his coat and some money, ready for funfair to rob him fucking blind. He didn't mind though, so long as his family were happy.

"Do I have to go? I was gonna go out" Eddie asked, looking unimpressed

"Yes, if I have to go, then so do you"

"Well in that case why can't mum just take Emmeline and Felix, and we just don't go?"

"Because we're having a family day, Eddie" Michael said "It's been too long since the five of us have had a nice day out. You can see your friends any day"

"But dad-"

"Eddie, we're gonna have a nice day. Don't piss me off and make me tan your arse before we go. You're coming with us and you're gonna enjoy yourself and that's final"

"Funfair! Funfair! Funfair! Funfair!" Felix chanted as he charged towards the front door excitedly, causing Michael to laugh and catch him

"Not without your coat, Felix. Go and grab it please" He said, and once again Felix went running off.
Michael frowned when he saw Emmeline, grabbing her chin to make her look at him "What've you got on your face? Is that lipstick?"

Emmeline pulled her face away from her father's hand "Just a little bit" She mumbled

"Why?" Michael asked

Gina rolled her eyes "Michael, she's a growing girl, she just wanted to try a bit of make-up"

"She's thirteen, she doesn't need make-up" Michael frowned "She's beautiful without it"

"And she knows that" Gina said, as she put her own coat on "But all girls her age start trying these things, it's not like she's wearing a lot"

Michael sighed but nodded, unimpressed that his daughter was growing up "Very well" He said "Are we ready to go?"

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