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"I heard what happened today" Polly said disapprovingly as John got home that night, and he just rolled his eyes.

"Not in front of the kids, Pol"

"Dadddy! Aunt Polly said you got into trouble today" Vinny said, running over to him

"Did she now?" John said, shaking his head at Polly "Well daddy's a grown up and what happens at work is none of Aunt Polly's bloody business"

"She said Uncle Tommy was mad"

"Uncle Tommy's always mad" John replied

"Nuh-uh! At my birthday he was happy!" Vinny said proudly, causing John to chuckle

"Well you've got him wrapped around your little finger haven't you? The rest of us could do with some of that magic, now go on, go and play"

Vinny ran off and John poured himself a drink before glaring at Polly "What exactly did you tell the kids?"

Polly rolled her eyes "Well not that you got your arse smacked by your brother like a naughty little boy, but they overheard Michael when he came to tell me, and they were asking questions so I just said you and Tommy had a little argument and that Tommy wasn't very happy"

John nodded a little "Is Tilly home yet?"

"No, but she'll be home for dinner"

John frowned "She's been out all day?"

"Oh for christ's sake John" Polly sighed "She's a young girl in love, of course she's been out all day, and I'm sure she'd be out all night if you'd let her"

John scoffed "In her dreams"

"You'll need to let her go one day"

"Not today though" He said, lighting a cigarette "Were the kids good?"

"Little angels"

John titled his head "My kids? Little angels?"

"Yes John, if you actually spent some time with them you'd know that"

"Oh fucking hell Pol I do spend time with them! They're just little shits when I spend time with them"

It was at this moment that Hattie walked into the room sobbing, and John looked over and frowned "What's up with you my girl?"

Hattie just sniffled and pulled up her skirt a little to reveal a grazed and slightly bloody knee. John sighed and walked over to her and knelt down to her level.

"Now, I know you ain't making all this fuss over a grazed knee, are you? Not my Hattie" He wiped the tears from her face and she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he kissed her head, picking her up with him as he stood.

"Can't even give the girl a bit of sympathy" Polly said, shaking her head

"Oh just piss off Pol!" John snapped "Don't come in here and tell me everything I'm doing wrong with my own fucking kids, we're doing just fine"

"John, the poor girl's just come in crying-"

"And she's fine" John snapped "You're alright aren't ya, my girl?"

Hattie nodded and lifted her head off John's shoulder to look at Polly "Stop being mean to daddy"

John chuckled "Well that's got you told hasn't it"

Polly shook her head "You know what fine! If you think you've got it so good and so under control then I'll go and stay with Michael and spend time with my grandchildren"

John nodded "You go do that"

"Byeee Aunt Polly" Hattie said, and John couldn't help but laugh as Polly just sighed and left.

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