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Charlie pulled up a chair and sat down, before quickly standing back up again, deciding that would not be the best for his own backside, before sticking his foot on the chair, and nodding towards it, signalling Mia to bend over his leg, and she just looked at him and twiddled her fingers nervously.

"Come on love, it's not like you've never been spanked before"

"You've never spanked me before" She replied

"I've never had to" Charlie said "You can wait for your dad if you want"

Mia shook her head and bit her lip.

"Then come and get this over with" Charlie said, taking Mia's hand and guiding her over his leg "I'll go easy on you"

Mia scoffed "I saw what you did to Tilly"

Charlie rolled his eyes "She had a gun, completely different" He said as he started spanking his future wife, he wasn't spanking her particularly hard, but Mia was acting as if she hasn't received a smack in her life, she was crying and kicking and wriggling and begging him to stop, which eventually he did, and he helped her stand up and looked at her concerned.

"Are you okay?" He asked, before pulling her close to him, where she just sobbed into him for a while. "What's going on, love? I wasn't that hard on you was I? Surely you've had worse than that?"

Mia shook her head "I-I never....."

Charlie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "You've never been spanked? Your dad didn't spank you growing up?"

"No" Mia sniffled "The odd smack sometimes but never really spanked me"

"Oh love" Charlie said, holding her a bit tighter "You should have said something"

She shrugged a little bit "I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, your dad was so mad and.... You must think I'm such a baby"

"Of course I don't" Charlie said, kissing her cheek "You'll be sore for a little while but you'll be okay in a couple of hours"

"Charles! If you're all done in there then there is work to be done!" Tommy called from the other room, causing Charlie to sigh

"I have to go, I'll see you later love" Charlie said, giving Mia a kiss before he rushed off to work.


"Daddy!" Mia smiled happily, as Alfie and the Shelby men walked into the house when they had finished work.

"There's my girl" Alfie said, hugging his daughter "I hear you got yourself into a bit of trouble with our Tommy here"

Mia blushed a little "It was nothing dad"

"I wouldn't call breaking Tommy's rules nothing, Amelia. The man's given you a roof over your head you need to respect that"

Mia nodded a little, not liking that her dad was telling her off infront of her future husband and father-in-law. "It won't happen again"

"I should hope not, for the sake of your backside" Alfie commented, causing Mia to shoot daggers at Charlie.

"You told him?"

"I did" Tommy said "He asked how you were and what you'd been up to so I told him. Shall we get a drink, Alfie, before the kids get back from school and this place turns into a mad house again"

"Lead the way" Alfie replied, and he followed Tommy into his office.

"Billy, have you seen my Artie?" John asked as everyone started piling back into the house. He hasn't seen Artie at work and he wasn't home now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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