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"Right you lot, we need to leave and we need to leave now!" John stressed to his kids for what felt like the hundredth time that morning. It was back to school day, which of course meant that Joey suddenly felt sick, Hattie couldn't find her left shoe, and Vinny had already managed to get jam down his shirt. Elsie, bless her, was the only one who was actually ready on time and not giving him any grief. "Tilly and Artie, get yourselves to Uncle Tommy's, and take Birdie next door on the way will ya?"

"I shouldn't have to work, dad! I'm pregnant!" Tilly complained for the millionth time, causing John to just roll his eyes,

"I will see you both there, now get a move on before you're both late"

Tilly groaned as she put her coat on and followed Artie out the door, who was carrying Birdie.

"Joey! Now!" John called, losing his patience at this point

"But dad I-"

"Joey, you're going to school, there's no two ways about it, so grab your things before I fucking drag you there"

Joey sighed, admitting defeat as he grabbed his things, and John nodded in approval before he grabbed Vinny's hand, and finally managed to get his kids out the door and started walking them to school. Joey walked ahead, he didn't want his friends to see him being walked to school by his dad, and it wasn't long before he found some of his friends and went off to join them.

"Dad there's Emmeline" Elsie said, pointing over the road, before looking up at John

"Well go on then" John said, nodding his head a little "Be good, I'll see you later"

John stood back for a minute as he watched his kids mingle with their friends, and once he'd seen they'd gone through the school gates, he started walking again, taking Hattie and Vinny to the younger school, which was just next door to the 'big' school.

"Right you two, best behaviour, yeah? Especially you Vinny"

Vinny frowned as he looked up at his dad "I'm always good"

"Oh how I wish that were true my boy" John replied, as he let go of his hand "Right, off you go. I'll be here later"

"Bye!" They both called as they ran off to join their classes, and John turned around to make his way to work.


"Ugh Uncle Tommy I don't care if it's easy I ain't bloody doing it!" John heard Tilly argue as he walked into Tommy's office

"What's all this about?" He asked as he lit up a cigarette.

"Your Tilly thinks she's too good to be working here" Tommy replied, his eyebrow raised as he didn't take his eyes from his niece "I only want her to be writing a couple of letters but she seems to think it's beneath her"

"I never said that!" Tilly snapped, glaring at Tommy "All I said is that I don't want to be working here and shouldn't be forced to!"

"Matilda Shelby, you're a woman now, and if you think I'm going to be giving you money for this that and everything else you want you can bloody well think again, won't do you any harm to earn yourself a bit of money" John said to his daughter, really not wanting this situation to escalate into something that it doesn't need to.

"You're not listening!! Why is no one listening to me!" Tilly said, frustrated tears pooling in her eyes as she sat down, looking into her lap to hide the tears.

Tommy opened his mouth to say something, but John raised his hand up, signaling him not his, as he went and crouched down next to Tilly "Alright girl, we're listening. What are you trying to say?"

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