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John woke up in the morning and rubbed his eyes, sighing when he saw that his four youngest kids had climbed into bed with him during the night. Tilly walked past his bedroom door and looked at him, and couldn't help but giggle when she saw him squished in between the four children.

"Did I miss something?" John asked

"Thunderstorm" Tilly answered, and John just nodded, before laying his head back on the pillow, deciding that he definitely wasn't getting up yet.

"Aunt Polly!" Tilly squealed from the top of the stairs, before she went running down, causing the rest of the kids to follow closely behind.

"Fucking hell" John mumbled, pulling his covers up over his head no that there were no kids in his bed, and closing his eyes again.

"John Shelby get your arse out of bed!" Was the next thing he heard, and he rolled his eyes as Aunt Pol came into the room "Honestly is this what you do, lay in bed and leave poor Tilly to get the kids ready? You need a good woman here John"

"Why does everyone think I'm so incapable of raising my own fucking kids?" John snapped "What're you even doing here Pol?"

"Well it's nice to see you too" She said, rolling her eyes "Can't a woman come to visit her family?"

"Michael's house is two doors down" John grumbled, causing Polly to lean over and clip him round the ear "Ow! Pol!"

"Get up!"

"Oh fucking hell alright!" John said, climbing out of bed "Can't a man have 10 minutes peace in his own fucking house"

"Not when you're a Shelby" Polly laughed "I came to look after the kids"


"Tilly wants to go out with her friends" Polly said as they both went downstairs

"Oh is that right?" John replied "First I've heard of it"

Tilly rolled her eyes "Am I not allowed a day off?"

"Where're you going?" John asked, and Tilly shrugged

"I think just down to the park, then Frankie's taking me out for lunch"

"Oh, you're talking to him again, are you?"

Tilly nodded and smiled, clearly smitten with him "Yeaaaahh"

"Right" John said "Well in future it'd be nice if you could run your plans past me"

"Aunt Polly said it was okay" Tilly said

John shook his head "Aunt Polly isn't your dad, I am"

Tilly rolled her eyes "Whatever"

John frowned "Attitude, Tilly"

She sighed "Sorry"

John nodded "Right, I best be off"

"Can't you stay?" Vinny asked, looking up at him

"I've got work to do" John said, ruffling his hair "Be good for Aunt Pol, I can guarantee her hairbrush hurts more than my hand"

And with that, he left and made his way to work.


"You fucking what?!" John fumed at the news that Finn had taken it upon himself to kill Jones, a job that everyone knew was his "What'd you fucking do that for?!"

"He just wouldn't shut up" Finn shrugged "So I made him shut up"

John didn't know what came over him, but the next thing he knew he had Finn against the wall, holding a gun to his head, and if anyone knows the Shelby's, they don't point guns at each other.

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