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It was about 2am when John got back to Tommy's house, and to everyone's relief, Tilly, Joey and Hattie were all with him, all alive, a few injuries but nothing too serious. Tilly was first to walk in, white as a ghost and shaking, but overall okay. John was carrying a sleeping Hattie while also struggling to help Joey, and once spotted, Michael rushed over to help Joey in, and John walked in and laid Hattie on the couch.

"Tilly?" Frankie said as he walked in, rushing over to her and holding her close to him. She said nothing as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend.

"What's the verdict?" Finn asked, looking at John.

John sighed "Joey's got some nasty bumps and bruises, need to keep an eye on him for a while cause he had a bad head injury, but they reckon he'll be alright. Hattie's been bashed up a bit, broken arm and broken leg, but she'll be alright. Tilly's okay.... She lost the baby"

Tilly buried her head into Frankie's chest when John said that, and everyone else just gave sympathetic looks.

"It was my fault" Joey mumbled from his seat, causing John to snap his head around.


"Hattie wouldn't have broken bones if I wasn't on top of her"

John sighed and knelt down in front of his son, so that he was eye-level with him "Listen to me my boy, you throwing yourself on your sister like that probably saved her life, alright? A broken arm and leg we can deal with, but you saved her life"

Joey just nodded a little, not knowing what to say.

"There's some dinner for you all in the kitchen, if you're hungry" Tommy said, which immediately perked Joey up as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Tilly? You hungry?" John asked, looking over to her. She said nothing but shook her head.

"I'll get her to bed" Frankie said, and John nodded as they disappeared upstairs.

"Have the kids behaved themselves?" John asked

"Mostly" Michael said "Your Artie was trying to help himself to whisky earlier"

"That boy" John sighed, shaking his head.

"You're going to have to share a room with Joey as well" Tommy said "The room you would have stayed in, is currently occupied by a Miss Greene"

"Harriet?" John questioned "Why's she here?"

"Seems her house got caught in the crossfire" Tommy replied "Couldn't leave her on the streets"

"Right" John said "That's fine"

"Let's all get to bed, we could all do with a good night's sleep"


Trying to get everyone ready for school the next day was like world war three. There was a lot of arguments about what they were going to wear, as their clothes were lost in the fires. There was arguments about what they were having for breakfast, because they didn't like what Odette had made for them. There was arguments about the fact that it 'wasn't fair' that they had to go to school while Joey and Hattie stayed home, they had no regard for the injuries they had. Tommy wasn't getting involved, he was just going about his morning as usual, only keeping an eye on Ruby, who was actually behaving herself for once, which made him think she was up to something, but he wasn't about to ask and put his daughter in a bad mood. Michael and Finn had already given out several smacks, and a lot of threats of being taken for a proper smacked arse, but the kids just rolled their eyes at them, the fucking attitudes on them enraged Tommy, but again, he wasn't getting involved. However, John was nowhere to be seen.

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