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John's eyes went wide as he got back to Watery Lane, seeing the whole row of houses had gone up in smoke, including his own, Michael's and Finn's.

"What the fuck happened?!"

"Letter box bombs" Finn replied "John-"

"Where's Tilly, Joey and Hattie?" John asked, scanning the kids in front of him "Eddie? Michael? Where are they all?"

"John you need to-"

"Finn where the fuck are my kids!" John snapped

"Dad, they're inside!" Artie shouted "Uncle Michael went back for Eddie, but Tilly, Joey and Hattie are all inside!"

Tommy and Arthur turned up just as John was running into the burning building, which obviously meant they followed him in.

"John, this is a death trap!" Tommy called after him

"I need to get my fucking kids out!" John shouted back "Tilly?! Joey?! Hattie?!"

"Dad, I'm stuck!" Tilly called back, before coughing. John followed the sound into the kitchen, to find Tilly caught under some rubble that had fallen.

"Are you okay?" John asked, as he started trying to dig her out, shortly followed by Tommy and Arthur, as they started throwing things around to free her.

"I-I think so" She mumbled, as they managed to pull her out.

"Arthur, get her outside, we'll go find Joey and Hattie" Tommy said, practically throwing his niece into Arthur's arms before he and John started searching the house again, and it wasn't long before they saw two pairs of legs sticking out from under the couch that had been flipped over.

They quickly got the couch off of the kids, and saw that Joey was unconscious, on top of Hattie, and Hattie was barely awake herself, but clearly in a lot of pain. Tommy went over to the window and smashed it with his elbow, and seconds later Finn and Arthur appeared at the window, realising that the plan was to get the kids out that way. First was Joey, and as soon as they got him out, Finn went and put in a car, ready to be raced off to hospital, and then did the same with Hattie. John climbed out himself, and got in the car with Tilly and sped off without even saying anything. Once Tommy was out he looked around, sighing in relief seeing that Michael and Eddie were okay, he then frowned when he spotted Harriet standing amongst his family.

"Who the fuck are you?" He questioned, as he lit a cigarette, staring her down.

"Harriet Greene, I'm the headmistress at the school"

"Oh, you're the bitch who's been beating our kids?" Michael spat, shaking his head

"I-I.. It was a misunderstanding, it won't happen again. John and I spoke about it"

"I see" Tommy said, unimpressed, as he took another drag of his cigarette "Well, Harriet Greene, run along home, stop minding other people's business"

Harriet pointed to the burning building at the end of the lane "That one's mine"

"Is there anyone in there?" Finn asked, and Harriet shook her head

"No, it was just me"

Tommy sighed, part of him wanting to tell this woman to fuck off, and part of him knowing he wasn't going to see a young woman on the streets.

"Right everyone, back to my house. Lizzie will give you all a feed, go on" He said, sighing. Thank god he'd gone and got himself a house big enough to hold his family or they'd all be squashed in like you wouldn't believe. "That includes you, Miss Greene"

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