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The best way to start off your morning is hovering over the toilet, emptying out all the contents left in your body

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The best way to start off your morning is hovering over the toilet, emptying out all the contents left in your body.

I groan loudly when a sharp pain stabs me in my lower stomach.

I'm going to rip my fucking uterus out.

"I'm gonna off myself," I mutter to myself.

After flushing the toilet I get up and stumble over to the sink clutching my stomach. I grab my toothbrush, brush my teeth and wash out my mouth.

I look like shit.

I dial the number of the only person in the house and to my surprise, he answers on the second ring.

"What?" He grumbles, and I know I just woke him up.

We can't both be grumpy this morning, Delilah.

"Do you guys own a heating pad?"


"A fucking heating pad, Delilah. You don't know what that is?"

"I know what a heating pad is but why do you need it?" He asks and I hear shuffling on the other end.

I groan loudly. "To feed my fucking cat," I snap through clenched teeth. "Now stop asking questions and bring the damn thing."

I hiss when a sharp pain hits me again.
"And some Tylenol while you're at it," I mumble so he can't hear.

"I just woke up," he groans and the noise in the background becomes louder.

"And guess what? I don't care. Bring the fucking heating pad please and thanks." And I hang up.

I walk out to the bedroom and plop down on the bed. I groan as loud as I can into the sheets.

"You look terrible." I hear his voice from the door.

"Thank you," I say into the sheets, but I doubt he heard me. I sit up and my eyes meet his.

Last night.

Holy shit... we made out. 
And I absolutely loved it.

I wouldn't admit it though.

"I, uh heated some water for you as well.." he murmurs, handing me the mug and the heating pad. 

"Thanks," I mumble.

He scratches the back of his neck as he asks, "Do you need anything else?"

"Actually yeah, can you rub my feet?" I ask, smiling at him.

"No," he deadpans.

Water fills my eyes and I have no idea why I'm crying.

"Fuck." His eyes widened. "Why are you crying?" He rushes over to me and takes my face into his hands. 

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