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"And the bank manager, who happens to be my uncle, he said that the Cuthbert's are poor." Josie pie chuckled, making Lavinia frown.

The whole school, the lower school and upper school, was practicing for their Christmas show. The kids were up first, since they needed more time to memorize their lines. So the girls, apart from Anne, all sat together and gossiped.

"Anne is poor?" Lavinia asked as she looked at the redhead.

Jane gave Josie a confused look, "What do you mean, 'poor?'"

"Poor, as in: 'penniless old fellow with no head for finance.'"

Lavinia glared at Josie, "That's not very nice."

"That can't be true." Diana shook her head.

"The Cuthbert's had to mortgage their farm. Isn't that sad?" Josie laughed causing a fuming Anne to look at her.

"Josie Pye, you take that back!"

"Why are you upset? It's only true. You're poor. Wait. You didn't know? Do you at least know if they're going to keep you?"

"Josie!" Lavinia gasped, looking back at Anne, "Anne don't listen to her, they love you."

"Keep me?" The redhead visibly gulped, looking around at all the girls staring at her.

"Next! Come along. In Excelsis Deo. That's right, children, come along now. Take your places, please."

Once they were up singing their Christmas song, Anne suddenly ran. Heading to the door, Lavinia quickly followed behind.



"I have to get on home. Oh, Lavinia, it can't be true!"

"Anne, you know how that Josie Pye acts. Plus, Marilla and Mathew love you. They would never." Lavinia tried putting some sense into the girl, but it was useless.

"My first family. My first home!"

"Your first home and your permanent home. You falling for Josie's lies is what she wanted."

"But what if they were true?"

"They aren't! For gods sake Anne, they adore you. No matter how hard things get, they would never do that to you! Why can't you see that?"

Lavinia felt a pang of jealousy as she said the truth out loud. The only reason she ever knew how much the Cuthbert's loved Anne was because of her jealousy. Never having loving parents really damaged her.

Them being present physically but not emotionally.

It felt like she was the orphan, not Anne.

Anne ignored the girl who stopped running after her, "We can't lose Green Gables. We just can't!" And with that, the redhead was gone. Leaving Lavinia all alone to her thoughts.


Anne was headed to charlottetown with Jerry, to sell all of the Cuthbert's valuable stuff for money.

The three girls —Lavinia, Jane, and Diana,— caught up with them before they left. The girls decided to help out by giving Anne stuff that would get her a lot of money if she sold it.

Diana gave Anne an expensive comb, hiding it from Marilla since she didn't want anyone to help.

Jane gave her a valuable bracelet, which Anne thanked her for.

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