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It was the end of the school day, and all three girls were packing to head back home. Staying away from Anne as much as they can, because they all knew how Josie could snitch at any time, and not feel guilty about it.

"Lavinia!" Mr. Philips loud voice startled her, making her scurry to his desk, "Take these lessons to Gilbert Blythe. He'll be missing class for a time, and I don't want him falling too far behind. He's my best student."

Lavinia looked around, just now noticing Gilbert had missed class, "Why is he missing class?"

"That is none of your concern. Now hurry along. Scat!"

She took the lessons that were heavy, and hurriedly left. Not waiting for her friends, because if she did then her arms would've fallen off.

She briefly told Diana and Jane that they will have to walk home without her, telling them she had to deliver stuff to Gilbert.

Before they could tease her, she turned the other way and started walking. She thought of how she would talk to him, she didn't want to make a fool of herself.

"Good afternoon, Gilbert. Mr. Philips asked me to hand you these lessons-"

She shook her head, realizing that she sounded boring.

"Hello Gilbert, I hope you're doing well-
No, no, no, no!"

She kicked a small rock that was on her way, cursing herself for being so clueless and dumb.

Why did she even bother trying to sound good, or look good. Gilbert didn't like her, he never showed interest all these years. So why would he now?

Before she knew it, she was in front of the Blythe's residence. She knocked on the door three time, before waiting patiently.

Although it took a long time, the door eventually was opened. And to her surprise, she was met by a sick looking Mr. Blythe.

"Sorry to make you wait. Gilbert is out back chopping wood. You're the Laurent's daughter, aren't you?

She smiled brightly at him, "Yes."

"I've heard nice things about you. And how is your mother? Still feisty, I hope?"

This made the younger girl frown, she had no idea her mother was feisty as a child. Not that her mother would ever sit down with her and talk about her childhood. She was never really close with her parents. She always felt as if she was a trophy being shown off to the rest of the world, when she wasn't even near perfect.

She heard footsteps approaching them, and when she turned around she saw none other than Gilbert Blythe himself, "Dad, what are you doing? You shouldn't be walking!"

"My son worries too much." Mr. Blythe dismissed his son with a chuckle, "It seems this young lady has urgent business. With you. I'll go inside now."

"I'll fetch your chair." Gilbert started walking past his father when he was stopped.

"I'll go on my own, thank you, son." The oldest then looked back at Lavinia, "It was nice to meet you. Give my kind regards to your mother."

She nodded her head as she smiled kindly, "I will. Of course, Mr. Blythe."

"Those for me?" Gilbert asked once Mr. Blythe was out of sight.

"Yeah," she smiled slightly as she handed him the lessons.

"Well, uh, it's kind of you to bring them by."

"Mr. Phillips doesn't want you falling behind. Says you're his best student."

"Yeah well, I don't want to fall behind and everyone beating me. If so, I want them to do it fair and square."

"Yes. Exactly."

And they were back to the awkward silence, where Gilbert looked down at the lessons on his hands. While Lavinia looked everywhere, avoiding his gaze.

She mustered up all the courage she had before asking, "How is he doing?"

"My father? He's... getting better." He seemed hesitant answering her, so she took that as a sign to leave.

"Well, I better get going. I'll see you later Gilbert."

He nodded his head while gulping, not knowing why he was feeling nervous around her, "Um, thank you. See you."


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