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Jane grimaced as she watched Lavinia's shoulders slump back in disappointment.

She knew Lavinia felt something for her brother deep down, even if she didn't realize it. But it all went away when he went back to bullying Anne, one of her dearest friends.

And one thing about Lavinia; she didn't like people messing with her friends.

Billy's heart was racing at the thought of kissing the girl, but he shook the thought away.

It's just a kiss. 'You don't like her Billy,' he reminded himself.

Slowly but surely they both stood up, everyone else watching them in anticipation.

"Hey," He muttered, but everyone heard because of how silent it was.

"Hi," she whispered even though she was so close to running away.

They seemingly got lost in each other's eyes, forgetting about everyone and everything.

"Come on." Josie rolled her eyes at them. Deep down feeling jealous because Lavinia was about to kiss Billy.

Billy looked at Lavinia, watching as her eyes shone. The way her long eyelashes slightly touched the top of her eyes since she was looking up at him.

He took a deep breath, before asking, "Can I kiss you?"

Lavinia felt even more butterflies in her stomach. And that was what set her off.

She looked back at her two best friends, who looked at her in excitement. She shook her head at them before starting to walk away in a hurry.

She couldn't do this.

She grabbed her school stuff and coat before opening the door harshly and stepping outside.

Both Diana and Jane hurried after her, not before Jane looked guilty at her brother who had his shoulders slumped.

They followed the girl through the woods, who didn't stop until she was far away from the school.

She sat down behind a tree and covered her face.

"Lavinia," Diana sat down beside her.

"I feel bad," The girl whispered, not looking up at them, "But i couldn't do it."

"It's alright Lav. I'll talk to Billy, tell him you weren't comfortable." Jane crouched in front of her.

"I didn't mean to lead him on! I swear I didn't!" Lavinia shook her continuously, feeling as if Jane was mad at her for what she did to her brother.

But she wasn't. If anything, Jane was glad Lavinia had left when she didn't feel comfortable. She didn't want her best friend to do something she wasn't comfortable with.

"I know, I promise you that I'll explain everything to him," Jane hugged Lavinia comfortingly, before wrapping an arm around Diana.


Jane watched as he brother laid down on bed, staring at ceiling and doing nothing.

"She didn't mean it," Jane spoke from the door, causing her brother to turn to look at her.

"What are you talking about?"


Billy simply rolled his eyes at the mention of the name of the girl who ran out of the classroom when he asked to kiss her.

He laid down back in bed again, "I don't want to talk about it."

"I don't care. I want to explain before you jump to conclusions," Jane walked inside the room, sitting down at the edge of the bed.

"I'm not jumping to conclusions. She made it clear that she doesn't feel anything for me."

"And do you feel anything for her?" Jane whispered, causing Billy to freeze.

He regained his composure, looking at his sister as he scoffed, "Nothing."

"You can tell me."

"Why? So you can go to her and tell her everything?"

"Because I care about you, Billy. You're my brother. I want to know how you feel. You never tell us anything. Doesn't it get too much for you?" Jane raised her voice slightly.

Billy stayed silent for a few minutes, thinking of words to describe what he felt, "Ever since I was kid I was told I couldn't show my emotions. I'm used to it. And even if it did ever get too much, it doesn't matter."

"It does matter, Billy." Jane's eyes softened.

He shook his head, "Not to our parents."

"You can tell me," Jane put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

He moved away from her before standing up, "Father wants to go hunting. I'll see you later."

She simply stared at her brother, watching as he left the room with a frown etched on his face.

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