Neo get's exposed

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After Daniel handed in the information to the inspector, things were starting to look up for him.

Daniel: Well it looks like everyone got the information so I'm glad things are going great.

Foxie: Yeah me too although don't you think it was too easy.

Daniel: What do you mean?

Foxie: Well you getting to the detectives office right away I mean because I feel like the hero company would most likely send in a spy or something.

Daniel: I don't know why they would because to them I'm just a normal citizen like everyone in the city.

Foxie: I see well then never mind I guess.

Daniel get's a phone call from the inspector.

Daniel: Hey Tim what's up.

Tim: Oh good you picked up, it's about the evidence that we sent out and apparently someone is spreading false news on the evidence you gave me.

Daniel: Why would they, wait this is all the hero company's fault because they think that by getting rid of the hero that they love would spell defeat for us.

Tim: Well luckily for you someone actually ratted out the culprit and it's non other than the hero manager, Madam Rose.

Daniel: Wait you mean the same Madam Rose that was at my dads funeral but why would she do that.

Tim: She said that the hero company forced her to do it or she would get killed.

Daniel: Wait so let me get this straight the same company that my dad worked for was going to kill someone from their own company just so that things could die down a little bit.

Tim: Unfortunately that seems to be the case but luckily for my lie detector everything she said was the truth meaning that that's more evidence that can be used against them.

Daniel: Wait did she record it.

Tim: Yes she did and what's more is that once they lose, there going to be gone for a very long time.

Daniel: Ok thank you for letting me know Tim.

Foxie: Well it looks like there's going to be a higher chance of victory.

Daniel: Yeah I guess your right.

That night, the whole truth was revealed and Neo got arrested and lost his tittle as the number one hero of Japan and the hero company lost a lot of money as well which left the whole world to be in shocked but luckily for most heroines and heroes that since they were the official heroes of Japan, they didn't lose their jobs.

Daniel: Well it looks like I was worried for nothing.

Foxie: Well I suppose you weren't.

Foxie get's a call from Yami.

Foxie: Oh hey Yami.

Yami: Foxie you need to come look at this.

Foxie: Why what happened.

Yami: Someone has been killed by Neo and the hero company again which means that Neo is still out there and causing havoc.

Foxie: But that's impossible, Neo was arrested along with the hero company so that can't be the case.

Yami: Well apparently the car that was suppose to take Neo to jail was in fact one of the cars the hero company uses which means that if Neo is still out there then no one is safe.

Foxie: Alright I'll be right there.

Daniel: Wait so Neo still hasn't been arrested yet.

Foxie: Apparently not because if anything the people are more scared than they were originally.

Foxie transforms into his Kitsune x Magician form and heads towards the scene only to see that Neo was about to hit a kid.

Foxie: Take this Dark yarn.

Foxie summons up a bunch of yarn and binds Neo which drains his energy.

Daniel: Take this.

Daniel launches a net bomb at the hero companies staff and all of them get captured.

Foxie: Now time for you to feel pain.

Foxie drains even more of Neo's energy which causes him to revert back to his orignal form and easily get's arrested.

Daniel: Well I figured you lot were trying to escape but after what you and the so called "number one hero" did your going to be in a lot of trouble.

Officer: Thank you, Kitsune magician for you cooperation.

Foxie: Well thank you for giving me a chance to help out it was in honor really.

Officer: Well we will make sure that the Diamond and the others are sent to Jail and be punished for their actions.

To be continued

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