Neo loses his tittle

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Foxie: So let me guess the hero company probably made sure to make it look like an accident all so that they could keep their number one hero.

Daniel: Unfortunately that is the case and these days it's all of the heroes aren't even taking their jobs seriously which is pretty sad because if any of the people get hurt then someone is going to get killed and that someone could be someone innocent.

Foxie: Well how much proof do you have against Neo that you can give to the cops or the detectives.

Daniel: Well I was waiting until the heroes came in and noticed something was up.

Foxie: So speaking of the heroes are there any that you trust.

Daniel: There is one but I think you probably met her.

Foxie: Oh so it's a girl.

Daniel: Well it's not like that she just saw all the evidence that I had against Neo and decided that she would help me get some revenge for my dad.

Foxie: So do you know her  name.

Daniel: Well from what I can tell aparently she is known as Fox woman and she is a very powerful heroine who defeated more villains then Neo.

Foxie: Well I think of heard of her but only to a certain degree.

Daniel: Well it looks like all of the heroines will finally be on our side after we expose Neo to the world.

Foxie: That sounds great but what happens if the hero company tries to steal it and destroy it.

Daniel: It's simple, I made a bunch of copies so if anything we should have enough to the point where it won't even matter if they steal one or more.

Foxie: Wow you really want to get back at him for killing your dad, don't you.

Daniel: Yeah because if we don't do this then someone else is going to get hurt and if that happens then I'll regret not doing this in the first place.

Foxie: So how are you going to get it out to the public.

Daniel: That's the part I haven't figured out yet but don't worry because once this get's out it's bye-bye Neo and hello a new number one hero.

Foxie: Alright well I'm going to go and take everyones order and you continue to do what you need to do.

Daniel: Ok thanks.

Foxie: No problem.

Foxie leaves the office and starts to Bake some cookies and cakes.

Foxie: Alright so now that that's done I think we should be good enough to open.

Foxie opens the doors and then continues to cook some food.

After everyone got what they ordered, Daniel told Foxie to come back to the office.

Foxie: Yes what's up.

Daniel: Alright I think there is a way I can send this out but the only thing that was stopping me is the possibility of the people going overboard and thinking all heroes are bad.

Foxie: Ok so what do you think we should do.

Daniel: Well regardless at this point in time the people need to know the truth about Neo before someone get's hurt or worst.

Foxie: So are you going to mail them to the second in command.

Daniel: At first I was thinking that but she would most likely bring it to her boss and that would mean defeat for us so in all honesty, I should give this to the person that I trust the most and that would have to be the inspector that hates Neo more than anything.

Foxie: I see and if I'm correct his name was Tim right.

Daniel: Yep that's the one.

Daniel drives to the detectives office and meets up with Tim and hands him the peace of evidence that he was able to get.

Tim: I see so then that would mean that Neo is behind this whole thing which makes sense given that he was the only hero to be able to cause so much damage.

Daniel: So is that enough or do you need more.

Tim: Well the thing is in order for the people to finally see Neo for who he really is then I would need one more peace of evidence and that would have to be the same one you father was in.

Daniel: Will if that's the case then here.

Tim: So you had an extra on you I take it.

Daniel: You could say that but is this enough.

Tim: Yes this is more than enough so I'll make sure that everyone get's it.

Daniel: Ok thank you.

To be continued

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