The attack on Japanese royalty

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Foxie: Well it looks like they had a change in their plans and are going after the King.

Takao: Do you have a plan.

Foxie: Well not yet but the good news is that I know what they are probably going to do but it's more of like a 50-50 chance that they would attack head on I mean they are ninjas after all.

Zuikaku: So then that means that the people would most likely be hurt if their plans go accordingly.

Shokaku: Well I suppose you have a point but there's really nothing that we can do and not to mention that the heroes are most likely going to have a target on the ninjas which could cause destruction and chaos.

Foxie: Well there is one way to stop them however it is pretty risky.

Amiya: And what would that be.

Foxie: Well knowing the leader of the ninja village, he will target someone that the king cares dearly for so that way he has know reason but to do what he says, however if we can find out who the person is then we should be able to prevent them from attacking.

That afternoon, all the heroes attacked the ninjas at the ninja village and while some were bad there were also some good ones as well.

Leon: Well it looks like we cleaned up pretty well but there is still one more person that we haven't attacked.

The Leader: Well how goes, it my heroes.

The Leader of the ninja village attacks but the heroes avoid it but just barely.

Leon: Alright now take this.

The Leader of the ninja village blocks the attack with his ninja skill and then punches Leon in the face breaking his masks.

The Leader: Hoho, is that the best you got.

Gear master: Now take this.

The Leader of the ninja village blocks the attack again and punches the heroes power source out which causes his suit to shut down.

The Leader: Heh is this really the best that the heroes of Japan can do.

The Leader of the ninja village heads for the castle and then all of the other heroes try to attack and even the police aid as well but they make no progress in stopping him.

Amiya: Well this is going to be bad.

Foxie uses his Dark yarn technique and binds the Leader making his defense techinque useless.

Takao: How come he's not moving.

Foxie: Because when an opponent is stuck in my Dark yarn technique, their bodies become temporairly paralyzed meaning that they can't do anything to escape.

Atago: Wow that sounds like a powerful technique but what would happen if someone had like eject button in their suit.

Foxie: Well it would depend on how strong the yarn is.

The Leader: Heh, well this has been fun but now is the time to escape.

Takao: Well this doesn't look good.

Foxie: I figured he had that technique.

Foxie tosses him in the air and launches him into the sky making sure that no one would get hurt and the Leaders suit explodes revealing his trueself.

Foxie: Well this can't be good.

The Leader: Well it looks like this time I'll reveal who I really am, my name is Angelo and I am the strongest villain in the world.

Foxie throws a water balloon at his wings and it causes him to slow down but even though it does the villain manages to escape anyways.

Takao: Well that can't be good.

Foxie: Now all we need to do is wait.

Amiya: What do you mean.

Foxie: Well if we try and go after him, he will most likely set a trap for us and then go after the king and queen.

Atago: So then we're going back to think of a plan.

Foxie: Something like that.

Akagi: Well that sounds like a smart idea and all but what are we going to do.

Foxie shows them the invitation that he was given to and the others are shocked.

Amagi: How did you get that.

Foxie: Well it's simple, I had a friend who knew the king pretty well and he decided to give this to me so that way I could get in without any problems.

To be continued

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