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Bruce went to meet Jerome at 1:23pm. He had his therapy meetings at 3 so he assumed it would be enough time.

The boy anxiously waited,heart beating rhythmatically,so fast.

He walked the halls of the dirty asylum,surprised noone had stopped him yet, patients weren't supposed to roam around freely,were they?
Bruce made his way to the meeting place he was told of,patiently standing,nervous for his first one on one meeting, at least he hoped it would be one on one.

An arm pulled him back,terrified,he bit hard into the assaulters body. "Got a nasty fang there Brucie." He was relieved to see it was only the ginger psychopath. Funnily enough, a literal psycopath was the reason for his relief. If Bruce wasn't mad beforehand, he sure is now. "Jerome..my apologies," the boy sighed in slight embarassment."No need,shouldn't have scared ya~" the man put bruces arm through his and showed him around the asylum,his favourite spot being a supply closet away from any rooms as it is the most private.

"Thank you for this Jerome however..why are we allowed out like this?"Jerome laughed in response,"we aren't allowed, I just have good connections, ask for anything you want Brucie boy and you will get it.At a price of course~"Bruce nodded,astounded at the broken system in the asylum.


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