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"Damn,"the billionaire stated as he was forced into his room forcefully.

The dull room was slightly lit from the light behind the steel bars.The floor was more dirty than the alleyways he lurked through when he ran away with Selina.

Then it hit him.

Selina!His only friend would be worried not finding him at the coffee table when she enters through the window.Bruce was sure that Alfred would tell her about what happened.Right?

Wayne secretly wished Selina would come and try to rescue him from the hellhole the Asylum was.She did say she would always help him.

Bruce doubted that Selina would take such a rist however she was unpredictable after all. The girl was his bestfriend.Yes.Just friends.

He remembered his last encounter with Selina was a bit cold.They got in a fight because Cat was upset with Ivy shipping them together.Bruce had joked and said, "it wouldn't be that bad dating me, " with a wink.Now that the boy thought of the moment he saw how that could offend his best friend and why she slapped him...

Bruce decided it would be for the best if he attempted to fall asleep on the uncomfortable,unstable-looking bed:a faint whistling cradling him,something familiar to home.

I'll attempt better next time XO sorryyy

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