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Bruce woke up with a start. Some mentally unstable patient let out wails louder than police sirens. Of course in Gotham people knew how those sounded like.

He was shown to the dining room and he got his slop. He was going to starve in there. He decided to sit with Barbara as she was the only kind looking face around, soon after a ginger psychopath sat with them too. Soon after the rest of the men Valeska sat with. This made Bruce slightly uncomfortable and scared for his safety. He didn't have a clue what crimes anyone in the adylum commited. And he didn't want to find out.

Upon staring at his food in silence,dissasociating he felt a light tap on his leg. A cookie was handed to him and he looked at Jerome who was sat next to him.Jerome gave him a wink and carried on with his conversation. Was he so bad after all?


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