A sad dinner

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We're all waiting in the living room for dads guest to come over, apparently it's some friends from work and the Malfoy's.

We all dressed in fancy dresses and suits, let's just say we all looked rather expensive.
There was so much food prepared it was like a whole town was coming over for dinner.
I think mums just doing it for Mattheo though, which I'm definitely not complaining about.

The first to arrive are one of dads work friends and his wife and daughter, which just happened to be Archie's girlfriend, Lydia. They dressed like us as well, although we looked way better, if I do say so may self.

Next were the Malfoy's. Draco walked in behind his parents, he looked happy for once, I've never seen him happy around his parent's once, wonder what changed. I walked over to them and hugged Narcissa and Draco and shook Lucius's hand.

2 more family's arrived, one of them had a son my age who I'd never seen before. He kept looking at me and smirking, I didn't like that. Neither did Mattheo, he looked like he wanted to go over and strangle him. It didn't help that I sat in font of him in the table, of all places he sat there.

Through out the dinner, I made small talk with my siblings, Mattheo and Draco , and went around the table taking to all the adults about life and school, all boring things.

Jake I think is name is, still was starring at me, it made me rather uncomfortable so I grabbed Mattheos hand above the table and started talking to him. After a while jake started to stop thank merlin.

After a while everyone was finished eating and just sitting at the table talking, then father had to leave for something. When he come back he had a letter in his hand and looked destroyed.

"Father what's wrong?" Archie asked
No answer.
"Dad?" I said
No answer.
"Come on father your scaring us" Jacob said
Still, no answer.

"Darling what evers the matter" mum said walking over to him to read the letter.
When she read it, she looked as if she were about to cry.

"Tell us" I said getting worried
"It's..." dad started
"Lexi has died" mum finished

Lexi white-law. My big cousin. Fathers brothers daughter and his god daughter, that's why he looked destroyed.

Lexi was like my older sister, we were always so close. When we were little you couldn't separate us. I hadn't seen her in 2 years, I didn't even say goodbye. But now, she's gone. It feels like my heart has fell out my body, I don't think I can breathe.

"How?" Jacob asked, tears in his eyes
"She was attacked, no one was around to save or help. It was by muggles." Father said, his voice barley hear about.

Muggles, Obviously. No one would dare touch a white-law in the wizarding world. Why didn't she use magic? She could've took them, why didn't she? How many where there? What else happened? So many questions to ask, but I can't speak.

"Y/N/N, are you okay?" Mattheo asked
I didn't answer, I couldn't.
I just ran away outside, somewhere in the gardens.

I sat looking at our little pond in the back of the gardens. I still couldn't talk, I couldn't even cry.
I watched the fishes swim around freely, not a care in the world. Then I hear foot steps, but I don't move I let them come over and sit besides me. It's Mattheo.

He grabbed my hand and rested both mine and his on his leg. He didn't say anything, he just sat there. I liked it. But I wanted to speak to him.
I just, can't.

"Do you want to talk?" He asked, like he read my mind.
I was trying so hard to get words out, then finally
"I'm feeling so tired, I'm really falling apart" I managed to squeeze out. And with that u broke down in tears. Crying my heart out.

Mattheo just pulled me onto his lap, held me and stroked my hair as I cried. I stayed crying there for a while, I needed to.

As I sit there, I think about all the pain she must of felt and the fear, us white-laws are usually the ones to do that to other people. Then I think about how much pain and fear I want to inflict on the fucking pricks that did that to her.

I will inflict pain and fear upon them, I vow to Lexi that I'll find them muggles and I'll do as they did to her. Mark my words.

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