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Y/n's POV

I get up and bolt to the bathroom, and then barfed. Nathan: "Y/n, are you okay?" Y/n: "Sick." Nathan: "Okay, I'll hold your hair back." Tony: *Walks in* "Nathan? Y/n?" Nathan: "Y/n is sick and I'm holding her hair back." Tony: "Oof. I'll get T'challa to take both of you back to the shack so you two can rest." Y/n: "Yes." I quickly stand back up. Y/n: "I'm going to change." Nathan: "Okay I'll be back with some tea." I changed into:

Nathan: "Ready to go?" Y/n: "What about the business?" Nathan: "Tony said he will deal with it and to bring Indigo with you

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Nathan: "Ready to go?" Y/n: "What about the business?" Nathan: "Tony said he will deal with it and to bring Indigo with you." Y/n: "Ok."

~Time skip~

Y/n: "Thanks, T'challa." T'challa: "Rest and drink plenty of water." Nathan: "Common let's watch TV in the living room." Mabel: "You two are back already?" Nathan: "Y/n's sick." Y/n lays on the floor. Stan: "Kids! Come quick!" Dipper and Mabel enter the living room to find Stan watching television. Stan: *Laughs* "I need you to laugh at this with me!" A commercial for the Tent of Telepathy comes on television. Gideon: *On television, singing* "Who's cute as a button, and always your friend? Lil' G-I-D to the E-O-N! Wink!" Bud: *on TV* "Li'l Gideon!" Dipper: "Ugh, Gideon!" Mabel: "Remember when I wouldn't date him and he tried to destroy us?" Stan: "He's always trying to trick me into losing the Mystery Shack." Wendy: "One time I caught him stealing my moisturizer." Soos: "And yet, our mutual hatred for him bonds us together." Gideon: *Laughs* Bud: *On television, voice-over:* "Come on down to Li'l Gideon's Tent of Telepathy, opening soon at this location." Commercial shows the Tent of Telepathy crushing the Mystery Shack. Nathan: "Wanna stay at my place?" Y/n: "If he destroys the barn stables or extension I'm getting my money back from him." She groans and runs to the bathroom. Nathan grabs a bucket. Y/n: "I'm back." Dipper: "Uh, should we be worried about that?" Stan: "Please, the only way Gideon's taking over this shack is by breaking in and stealing my deed." A crash is heard from upstairs. Wendy: "You mean like, right now?" Y/n: "Ugh."

~Cuts to Stan's office, where Gideon is attempting to open Stan's safe.~

Gideon: "38? 41? Oh, heavens to Betsy!" Stan: "Gideon!" Gideon: "Well, well, Stanford, my arch-nemesis. We seem to have entered a dangerous game of cat and mouse. But the question remains, who is the cat, and who is the-" Y/n: "Go away! I don't feel like dealing with this." Nathan: "Sorry, she's snappy when she doesn't feel well." Indigo: *Chirps.* Stan: "Soos, broom." Gideon: "Oh no, not the broom!" Stan chases Gideon around the room with the broom. Gideon: *Hisses* Stan hits Gideon with the broom twice before chasing him outside. Gideon: "You mark my words, Stanford, one day I'm gonna get that combination. And once I steal that deed, you'll never see the Mystery Shack again!" Stan: "Good luck, bucko!" Close-up of Gideon looking angry. Y/n: "SHUT UP!"

~Cuts to Stan putting the Mystery Shack deed in his safe and pressing the lock button.~

Stan: *Laughs* "The combo to this safe is in the one place he'll never find it: my brain, and maybe y/n." Y/n: *Mumbling under her breath* "It's my shed." He walks away. Gideon: "Your brain isn't as safe as you might think, Stanford Pines! *Pulls out Journal 2* Y/n: "I'm taking Indigo on a walk." Nathan: "I'll come with you." Stan: "If you're sick, why are you going if you're sick?" Y/n: "Indigo pulls and runs with other people. Besides I need to stretch." Nathan: "Y/n, common."

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