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~With the Pines Kids~

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~With the Pines Kids~

Dipper: "Alright, Mabel, today is the big day." Mabel: "Big day!" Dipper: "Soos finally fixed up the laptop. If this thing works, we could learn the identity of The Author and unravel the greatest mysteries of Gravity Falls. You ready?" Mabel: "Oh, I'm ready, baby. (flips through pages of a pop-up book with a drawing of an infant) Ma-ma." Dipper: "This is it. This is it. (powers on the laptop, which reads "Welcome") Aha! It worked." Dipper & Mabel: "Blip, blap, bloobity bloop, twins." (high-five, bump fists, and stick out tongues) Alarm sounds. The laptop reads "//UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS FORBIDDEN//", and then it reads "Enter Password". Dipper: "Ugh! Of course, a password." Mabel: "Don't you worry, bro-bro. With your brains and my laser focus, there is literally nothing that can distract us from... Did you hear that?" Gabe Bensen (singing): "All my life I've been dreamin' of a love that's right for me. And now I finally know her name and it's... (talking to the kids:) sing it with me kids. (singing with kids:) Literacy!" (Bee puppet:) "I finally understand what all the buzz is about. Reading!" (Book puppet:) "Give me some of that honey!" (They "kiss". Gabe laughs.) Mabel: (flapping pages of a pop-up of a heart) "Ba bump. Ba bump." Dipper: "Oh, boy."

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