3- Frickin French

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There's some *+*v i o l e n c e*+*

and also a bunch of French near the end.

I can't speak French. My friend barely speaks French.

So it's probably not the most accurate thing on the planet, but I didn't just chuck it into google translate and call it a day.

I used two different online translation things and tried to make sure the two translations lined up.

Hopefully it's at least 80% accurate? I can at least say I tried. Enjoy the chapter!


Constable Whiskers looks around, then starts meowing at the closet.

Almond opens the door, and Constable Whiskers climbs inside, finding Phantom Bleu and loafing on his chest.

Constable Whiskers starts purring.

Almond moves stuff out of the way and sees Phantom Bleu. He crosses his arms. "Why are you in the towel closet?"


Constable Whiskers closes their eyes.

Phantom Blue looks at them, then at Almond, smirking. "You know the rule of sleeping cats."

Almond sits on the floor. "At least you can't move."

Walnut yawns, standing in the doorway. "Dad..? Why are you looking at the closet?"

"Phantom Bleu broke in and they're hiding in the closet. Constable Whiskers fell asleep on them."

Walnut stares at him. "Uh.. Well I can't sleep..."

Almond looks at Phantom Bleu, then gets up. "Do you want me to read to you again?"

"Yeah.. The mystery is almost solved!"

Phantom Bleu is still in the closet.

After a bit, Constable Whiskers gets up. They hop off Phantom Bleu's chest, so he silently gets out of the closet and sneaks over to the front door.

They double check that they still have their hat and keys, which they do.

He leaves the house, then looks up to see a few people. They're holding phones.

Phantom Bleu turns and runs.

*+*the next evening*+*

Roguefort wakes up on his couch. He remembers getting home, showering, changing, and falling onto the couch.

They sit up, finding their glasses and phone. Lord Crumbles whines.

Roguefort stands up. "Yes yes, I'm getting your food."

He feeds Lord Crumbles, then checks his phone.

Nothing new. He sighs, setting it down.

They pet Lord Crumbles. "I'm going to go on a walk, alright?"

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