6- Identity Crisis Before Bedtime

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Roguefort finishes cooking. He sets the plates down on the table, then walks over to the couch and puts his hand on Almond's shoulder.

"Dinner's ready."

Almond stretches, then gets up and moves to the table.

Roguefort finds Walnut in their room. "Walnut? Are you ok?"

Walnut looks up at him. "How did you hide it so well? Not even Dad figured it out."

He tightens his grip on the doorframe. "What are you talking about?"

"You're Phantom Bleu."

Before Roguefort can say anything, Walnut shows them the pictures she took. "You can't deny it at this point."

Roguefort knows she's right. "I- Honestly I'm surprised it took so long."

"Which one of you is the real one??"

"It's.. I.. I don't know anymore.."

Lord Crumbles sits next to Roguefort and mrrows.

Walnut looks at him. "They've been confused about it for years??"

Roguefort nods. "Please don't tell Almond-"

"I won't tell Dad as long as you don't do any crime until we talk about this again. If you do anything as Phantom Bleu, I'm showing Dad these pictures."

Roguefort nods.

Walnut gets up. "Is dinner ready?"

"Yeah, that's why I came to get you."

The two join Almond at the table.

Halfway through dinner, he sets his fork down. "You two are quiet today."

Walnut yawns. "I'm tired."

Roguefort nods. "I'm probably gonna go to sleep after you leave."

Lord Crumbles jumps onto their lap and meows.

Roguefort just silently pets him, so he meows again.

Roguefort takes another bite of food. "Mhm.."

Walnut looks at Lord Crumbles. "What did you ask them?"

He meows.

Walnut looks at Roguefort. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I'm just tired."

After the two detectives leave, Roguefort goes into the bathroom and stares at themself in the mirror.

"Which version of me is real? I was Phantom Bleu long before becoming Almond's friend, but I feel safer as Roguefort."

He looks down and wipes away some tears. "I can't completely give up thievery unless I get a job, and I don't want to lose what I have as Roguefort.."

They take off their glasses and wipe away more tears. "But the thrill and confidence I have as Phantom Bleu is something I don't want to lose either."

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