Chapter 25

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She was standing to the side, her sword at her hip and a watchful eye on what happened in front of her. The Darkbringers powers were interesting to watch in action like this. A strange mix of her fathers and brothers Night and Azriel's shadows. It flowed from them in a thick smoke like texture, but it ate all light, making it look like a black patch. No shadows or highlights existed on its surface, Luna even found that her eyes had trouble concentrating on the darkness. But that was not the only property of the Darkbringers powers. It took away one's senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. She had been blinded that day when they kidnapped her, but if she had stayed for longer, one by one her senses would have been lost. Her body shivered and she took a step forward, seeing how one of them instructed Tirian on how to control the darkness, how to make it obey him. Luna stood back and watched. She held back all instincts to move when one of them pressed Tirian down, or when he was thrown across the room. She even held her breath at some points, fearing that she might scream if she didn't.

The training was brutal.

"Come on Tirian! Show me what you can do!" One of the ones training them screamed and started to summon the darkness again. Luna bit down on her tongue. "Get up!" Tirian was lying on his back. Luna was tempted to reach out to him, but stopped herself.

"I don't think he is one of us..." Another Darkbringer said and walked up to Tirian. "Or maybe I can't smell it because you smell like your whore." His words hit Luna hard, but they did also hit something in Tirian, for not a moment later the second Darkbringer was engulfed in darkness. Darkness that came from Tirian.

He got up with his hands raised, the darkness flowing freely. Luna saw how the others around them took a step back, some even gasping at the site. But she stayed in her place, still quiet, still watching.

"I will only ask you once, take that back." It was Tirians voice, and at the same time, it was not. It was darker, more... Luna tried to find the word... Powerful? Shivers moved down her spine.

"And if I don't?" The Darkbringer asked and Tirian moved again. Soon the whole room was filled with darkness, making Luna's pulse rise.

This is not the same as what happened. She told herself. Not long after the darkness disappeared, easing up like mist on an autumn morning. Luna relaxed and saw the one who had called her a whore laying on the ground, bloody and beaten. Tirian stood over him, his chest rising and falling at a quick pace.

"She is your High Lord's daughter. Show her some respect." Tirian hissed and walked away, passing by Luna.

"Then she can take her own battles and not just stand and watch!" The Darkbringer wiped some blood off his face. This time it was Luna who struck. Her powers moved as quickly as a snake, biting down on his mind.

I see what you think of me, of Tirian, of this Court... She said into his mind. Images of females lying beneath him, and a feeling of that not being fully consensual came over her. I see what you do... She made him walk towards her. Rape is a crime not taken lightly in this Court... She drew her sword.

Please don't hurt me! He called out in his mind. Don't hurt me! Luna let an ice cold smile grow on her lips.

You will go to Keir and confess your crimes, and you will take your punishment. Luna held her eyes on him. And if you don't do this, I will hunt you down. And then, then you will wish you had swallowed your pride. The Darkbringer started to run away just after she let go of his mind. Tirian came up to her side.

"I think he pissed himself." He told her with a low voice.

"That was the plan." Luna said back and put her sword back. "Now, hand to hand, you and me." She walked out into one of the rings.

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