Chapter 28

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Nyx didn't have time to think, he just did. First he moved Gwyn to Azriels arms.

"Take her to Mor and Emerie, they are at the female camp." Azriel did just that and vanished. Then he ran back to the house. The darkness grew around him. "You need to leave now!" He screamed as he opened the door.

"Nyx keep your voice down." Regina said back.

"No, you all need to leave now. Gather your things. NOW!" He looked around for Evalyn, finding her on the sofa with Hope in her arms. "Gwyn is found, she needs your help. Both of you." He took her hand in his then the other two. Gathering all his strength he winnowed them all to the camp, just outside of the Night Court territory. Mor came up to him but Nyx left before she had the chance to ask what was going on.

He landed back at the camp. And now he could think.

Dad! We need to evacuate the territory! He screamed out. "Everyone! We need to leave the territory, no time to pack. Females that can't fly must be carried by a male that can." Not long after the same order came from his father. A booming sound that made everyone bend over with their hands pressed against their ears.

Evacuate the land! Flee to the southern border! Around him Illyrians took off, some carrying their wifes and mates with them. Some were left alone. Nyx ran over to the barracks, finding Noel and Gina there.

"What is happening?" Gina asked.

"Right now, all I know is that shit is happening and I need to get to Velaris. Fly and help those who can't get to the southern border. Stay away from the darkness. Be safe." Nyx said and gave his friends a final hug. "Stay safe." He left them all before anyone had the chance to speak.

Velaris was in chaos. Fae flooded the streets, some crying, some screaming. He saw some that winnowed back and forth. Then the chilling screams came over him. The screams of pain and fear. Nyx took off to the sky, and from above he saw the darkness move in, and as it touched the citizens of Velaris, they went down, screaming.

"Nyx?" He turned to find his mother out in the sky as well. "What is going on?"

"Gwyn came to Windhaven. She just told us that Tirian is a part of a group, and that something is too late..." Nyx looked around. "We need to help them..."

"We are going to Hewn, the focus of the attack comes from there." His mother said.

"Luna is there!" It hit Nyx then and there. "She returned there after Hope..." He didn't have the time to finish the sentence before a terrifying scream shocked them both.

"Later, Nesta is at the House of Wind..." Feyre left, and Nyx took off. Below him the darkness grew, and with that fell more and more of the citizens. He tried to create shields that held it at bay, but it passed like water through a net. Not long after the streets were covered in the darkness, and with that the screams stopped. He saw Fae on rooftops, some that climbed the mountains to get above it all.

We need to get them to the House of Wind... He landed there and looked around, finding Nesta with her sword in hand.

"What is going on?" She asked.

"No time to explain." Nyx took her hand and got ready to winnow, but stopped.

"It is rising... I can't help them..." Cassian landed behind him.

"We need to evacuate..." Nyx said back. No time to explain, to reflect, to plan. They needed to flee, to regroup.

"Take her. Take her somewhere safe. Keep her safe. I will stay behind and help as many as I can." Cassian then said, walking over to his mate. Nyx didn't fully understand what he asked of him. "Keep them both safe..."

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