Ch. 5

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In between there love making Yao feel someone....touch on his leg. "Ah!" he push Yutong and try to cover his body with quilt. "Yao..are you alright, did I hurt you..?" Yutong worriedly asked "s..s..someone here! and...and it t-touche my leg..." Yao said while looking here and there.

"No one here Yao! only two of us here...." Yutong calmly said and start kissing Yao's neck "" Yao close his eyes and enjoy the soft kisses.


(A/N:- Jah-mee-lah......means beauty. In historical time, when Egyptian see any beautiful boy or girl..... then they call them that, in seductive way....😉🤭)

"You say something...?" Yao stop Yutong and asked....but other shook his head and slowly going down while making beautiful path of.....lovely hickeys. Yao divert and only arch his body as Yutong going down....and stop at Yao's navel then thrust his tongue in or out for earning hot moans.

"Ah....hhh.....sto...p....uhh.....yut....aahhh" and it's perfectly work on Yao.....he can't control himself and start moaning. After making Yao restless Yutong stop that and start moving inside his beloved....they're still connected and Yutong is hungry. "Aahhh.....uuuhhhhh......uuhhhhrrrrr" Yao faint after screaming loud and Yutong also tired after these love session.

So he didn't bother to do anything further.....Yutong remove himself and lay beside his beauty then place a soft kiss on Yao's forehead......and sleep after covering themselves.


Morning comes and sunlight fall on Yao beautiful face.....he stir and open his eyes then turn toward Yutong.....Yao smile and place kiss on other's cheek. "Thank you so much..." Yao slowly whisper then go to washroom for cleaning himself. Half hour later he come out and found Yutong is still dead.

Yao nudge him but all in Yao leave Yutong like this and enjoying the view of entire city. "After wedding, I'm gonna miss it...." Yao pout and two muscular arms wrap him from behind "if you don't wanna leave....then after marriage we stay here" Yutong inhale fresh smell of Yao and other smile.

Rings.......!! Rings.......!!!

Yao received and talk for sometime then he cut the call.....and turn toward Yutong "can you drop me.... I've a photoshoot" Yao asked and Yutong smirked "of! But first let me drive you.." Yutong said and pick Yao in his strong arms "Bai Yutong....put me down! I said put me down" Yao struggling while smiling.

Yutong lay him on the bed and climb upon his slender figure "are you ready..?" Yutong said looking at Yao with lust....and Yao only shyly smile and turn his gaze other side. And then after minutes later hot moans echoing in the whole room.


Later Yutong take Yao on his photoshoot and after that.....on dinner date. They both enjoy while eating then Yutong's father call him and tell Yutong to come home immediately.....because they've to discuss on their wedding matters. Yutong cut the call and tell Yao everything....then they both leave after finishing their dinner.

They arrive at home and Yao greet with his future in laws....and Yutong asked to his parents what matters? Mr. Bai tell him that he has decided that they will have a destination wedding. Yutong smile after listening and looked at Yao....who also wink to him "I already talk about this to your parents....and they have no objection, isn't it good?"

Mr. Bai said and Yao smile "thank you uncle.." Yao respectively said and Mr. Bai hugs him dearly "call me dad....okay!" He said and other nod "by the way, dad....which destination you choose for us?" Yutong question and Mr. Bai smile then answer him........ THE HILL VIEW FORT!

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Suddenly a gust of wind blows and touches Yao's body.....and he feels sudden jolt in his whole body "you okay?" Yutong notice Yao's facial expression he wrap his hand on other shoulder "nothing.." Yao lightly smile then Mrs. Bai tell Yutong to drop Yao at home.....because tomorrow we all going to that fort. Yutong take Yao home and after sharing a sweet kiss.

Yutong said he come to pick Yao in the morning.....Yao smile and both bid bye to each other then Yutong go from there same as Yao.


One the way to hill view fort... Yutong drive his white Lamborghini Gallardo while holding Yao's hand..."Yao, this highway is beginning to road of our new life.....from today your sorrow is mine and my happiness is yours" Yutong said and place kiss on back of Yao's hand. "Where did you steal this romantic lines?"

Yao wiggled his eyebrows and Yutong only chuckle "the poet name is.....BAI YUTONG himself!! Yutong proudly said and Yao shook his head while smiling "We have started walking and these paths are starting to look better than the destination" Yao inwardly think and again lean his head on window glass.


"Mmm...." Yao look here and there in the car....Yutong notice him, he asked what happened? And other only smile....then hold Yutong's arm while leaning his head on other shoulder. Yao close his eyes and Yutong switch on the music.....they both enjoying the romantic music while driving.



Yao snapped open his eyes and breathing heavily while the window "babe? What happened...why you looks disturb?" Yutong asked seeing Yao's sweaty forehead "I heard something....! Something like...Jah-mee-lah....." Yao confusedly said and Yutong smile.

"We're listening Arabic music.....maybe you heard from it." Yutong calming said and Yao pout "I am thirsty need water..." Yutong cares his face then speed up his car....after reading board sign. WANDER MARKET AHEAD

Yutong stop his car in the small market.....had many small shops which place both sides of the road. They both get off the car together "wow! Isn't it was a beautiful place....." Yao feels so happy and relax inhaling the fresh air "Yup, sweetheart...really, very beautiful" but Yutong's word is saying something else.

"You pervert!" Yao smack Yutong's head then start looking everywhere in the market.

"And one day, as that Egyptian sorcerer said.....he would come back!!!!!!"

In that market an old man was telling a story to the young children and his words attracted the attention of Yao....


Hi guys 🤗

I'm here with my other ongoings.....please enjoy while reading and I'm sorry for my mistake 🙏🙂

Thank you 💚💚💘

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