Ch. 6

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"Look, beautiful this anklet is. I think it's suit you perfectly..." Yutong showing Yao a beautiful cat anklet....which make other frown after seeing that.

which make other frown after seeing that

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"What you say....BAI YUTONG!!!" Yao smacks other head in his anger then go from there at the another shop. Yutong chuckle seeing his dear cat in anger....he buy that anklet then run behind him while shouting "I'm sorry babe! I'm just kidding... listen to me, Yao....? Yao....?"

"I HATE YOU...!" Yao is still angry and go while ignoring Yutong completely.....Yutong shook his head and follow Yao like a guilty husband....who stops his wife for buying items from sell. (My mama also get angry when my papa.....try, only try to stop her😉🤭😁)


"And one day, as that Egyptian sorcerer said.....he would come back!!!!!!"

In that market an old man was telling a story to the young children and his words attracted the attention of Yao......he stop and turn at them "what you said...?" Yao asked to that old man but other widen his eyes in shocked "This is not possible.....! This is not possible.....!!" that old man tremble with fear while taking his step back......which make Yao suspicious.

"Um....excuse me! Hello....? Hello....excuse me Mr." Yao try to talk but that old man run from there while shouting like a mad person "now he'll follow you........! now he'll follow you.....!! now he'll follow you.....!!!" Yutong come there and asked what happened? then Yao told.....that old man saying something but when Yao asked....he run away while shouting something, weird.

Yutong arch his brows with serious face, he also looked at that way where that old man was ran away. "There is nothing to worry, that old man is mad.....and keeps on talking to everyone like this." one shop keeper said to them "But why was he scared when he saw me?" Yao said thinking something "Oh C'mon! cat.....don't think too much, it's happens sometimes"

Yutong said pulling Yao in his arm "forget about everything....and let's go! I found restaurant near the lake, come let's go..." Yutong kiss Yao's temple and other smile then hummed beautifully.....later they both enjoyed food in that restaurant, which was near the lake. After dinner Yutong start his car "I feel sleepy..." Yao said stretching his arms and neck left-right.

Yutong smile and pull Yao on his lap "then sleep my dear.....without any worries" Yutong said lovingly looking at Yao face.....and other smiles in his sleeping state then lift himself to kiss Yutong "Umm..uhh! sweet dream..." Yao said in their kisses then place his head on Yutong's broad chest....and sleep. Yutong again kisses his forehead then drive away.


*Rrrrrrrrrrr* *Rrrrrrrrrrr* *Rrrrrrrrrrr*

"Hello! Yeah...Dad, we're on the way....Hm? ah! okay, I'll understand....thanks dad!" Yutong cut the call and take another route which lead them to that Fort. Yao stir a little then open his eyes "what happened?" Yao asked while yawning and Yutong tell him.....his dad call them to inform that, main route is blocked by something.

So take the other route that goes through the woods. Yao nodded his head understanding....then sit back on his seat. 20 minutes later they entered inside the woods...and Yao's eyesight fell on the sign board "HILL VIEW FORT......60 miles ahead" Yao mumble and Yutong look at him "scare?"

" foot! This is madness, how you going to drive this far?" Yao angrily grit his teeth "Relax! It's just a 60 miles..." Yutong carelessly said "what you mean by just a 60 miles....don't you know, it's almost 90 to 96 kms....and sun is about to set, how can you drive??" Yao is worry because he don't know how to drive.

Yutong hold his hand and kiss back of Yao's hand "Um.uuhh! You know what, when you with me....I can do anything. So watch me..." Yutong again kisses Yao's hand then focus on his driving....they keep going on the deserted road....but Yutong drive slowly, because road was in very bad condition.


"I can't believe that you arrange.....such a big Fort for your son's wedding" Mrs. Zhan taunt "at least I have done something, otherwise some people only to talk!" Mrs. Bai attack back with sarcastic way. "But some people don't even have the sense of talking" Mrs. Zhan continue her work and other also don't want to lose.

"Don't worry! Soon you will understand....who's know to talking and who's deserves it..!" Mrs. Bai glare at her and other about to say anything else....meantime, Yutong and Yao also come there and meet with them all "greetings everyone....where's dad and uncle?" Yutong asked seeing his mom and mother in law.

"They talking to the manager..." Mrs. Bai pointed her finger toward the receptionist counter....then she cares Yao's face "you look fresh! What's the matter..." Mrs. Bai mischievous smile *ahem!* and Yao cough to hide his shyly smile "need water?" Yutong asked to Yao and other shook his head.

Fort's manager come there and he greet with them.....and handover their room keys "if you need anything.... you can asked to Lukman" manager smile and Mr. Zhan ask....who is he? Manager tell them Lukman his nephew and he helping him sometimes.

"is-salam-alaykum......Jah-mee-lah!! suddenly a man appear in front of Yao and hold his hand....he place kiss on his back of hand while greeting him. "Excuse me..?" Yao pull back his hand tighten his grip on Yutong's arm.....and his mousy didn't take time to understand Yao.

"Hey! Mr. Who are you...and how dare you to touch my fiance" Yutong grab that man shirt collar in his anger....and about to hit him "please! I'm sorry for that....(looking at that man) Lukman!! How many times I told you don't do that with our guests" manager apologize to Yutong and scold his nephew.

"Your nephew? But I thought....Lukman is a teenager. But he's almost of your age" Mr. Bai said and manager chuckle "actually sir....My father did two marriages and my mother was second wife" manager wink at both dads and Yutong roll his eyes "keys..."

"What..?" manager asked and Yutong pointed his finger at bunch of keys. "Oh! Now I get it.... please" manager give him and other left saying goodnight to his parents....because Yutong was so tired after driving too much.

Yao also wish goodnight to his parents but his stepmother scold him....saying because of Yao, she have to listen others taunts. Yao frown but said nothing and go from there in his anger....Lukman only stare at Yao back "wallah!" He smirked while thinking something.


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Sorry for my mistake 🙏

Thank you 💜

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