Part 1 - The letter

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Once upon a time, there lived a young man named Goh. He was a servant who worked for his wicked stepmother Lillie and ugly stepsisters Misty and Serena. They were three cruel and heartless women, who were also very lazy so Goh often had to do lots of work, including cleaning, dusting, washing and answering the door. One day, a loud knock announced someone's arrival at said door. His stepmother coughed, signalling Goh to let them in. But no one was there, only a small scroll tied with a ribbon. The boy picked it up, and brought it to his stepmother, who proceeded to frown.

"Well go on then, open it, I don't have all day!" She scoffed.

"'You are hereby cordially invited to attend the royal ball of Prince Ash. Every maiden in the land will be invited because the Prince has come of age and must decide on somebody to be wed to.'" Goh spoke in a monotonous voice, mostly to hide his excitement. A ball! With the Prince! Every woman and girl in the kingdom knew he was the finest man around and Goh believed this too. He wasn't a maiden, so not invited, as such, but it was customary to bring your servants to these kinds of events to show off power and authority to royals and rich people. Goh would never have a chance with the Prince, but maybe they could dance, or at least talk...

He was snapped out ofhis daydreams by the arrival of his two stepsisters.


so what did you think of the first part? Constructive feedback would be appreciated! <3

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