Part 5 - The palace

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The palace was huge. Four turrets stood at the corners, their pointed roofs touching the clouds. The stained-glass window at the front was enormous, framed by towering arches of brick, and revealed a bright, candlelit inside. The front doors were just as grand, large and wooden with metal bolts and decoration. A brass ring was ornately patterned and served as a handle. Staring wide-eyed, Goh took in the beautiful sight. It was much more impressive close up. The group of aristocrats he'd managed to blend in with then moved through the doorway. A huge chandelier, made of glass with diamond-encrusted candle-holders and dangling crystals, hung in the middle of a high ceiling. Hundreds of girls from all around the country were mingling there, along with just as many posh-looking males, who were probably rich men looking to marry rich wives to raise a rich family. But Goh was only looking out for only one person. And there, on the gold-plated throne, observing the whole scene, was Prince Ash. Goh's heart fluttered at the sight of him. The Prince had tangled hair of a colour true to his name and soft brown eyes the colour of chestnuts. But he looked bored, like none of the maidens interested him enough that he'd make an effort to talk to them. Well, Goh thought, I am going to change that.

After a while, it wastime for the first dance. This would be the one where you constantly switchedpartners, so a few lucky girls would be able to dance with the Prince. As thedance kicked off, Goh tried to get closer to where he knew the Prince was,being spun back and forth by various men along the way. He wanted a chance toat least touch his hand for one spin, but everyone was probably hoping that.Goh didn't really stand much of a chance. But the dance began drawing to aclose, and he pretty much gave up hope. The final partner change and...


sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger! maybe thats unfair but youll have to read on to find out who it is!!
(btw the next part is my favourite see if you can guess why!!)

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