Part 4 - ✨Magic✨

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"Hmm... they haven't been feeding you very well. You're very skinny." Chloe observed, grabbing Goh's slender arm.

"Well, erm, what do you want?" He asked, pulling his arm away.

"The question really is, what do you want?" Chloe looked right into his eyes.

"What I want? What do you mean?"

"I'm a fairy godmother. I grant wishes." She dug into her pocket and brought out a wand. It was a long, silver stick with a star at the top.

"You grant wishes?! I must be going mad..." Goh put his head in his hands.

"You're not going mad," Chloe rolled her eyes, "So, what is the thing you want the most right now?"

"To go to the ball with Prince Ash!" Goh stated, without a moment's hesitation.

"Well then, you'll need a carriage." Chloe thought for a moment, "Do you have any pumpkins?"

"Umm, yes... Why?"

"Show me." She commanded.

Chloe shook all of the pumpkins in the garden before deciding on the ripest sounding one. She placed the chosen one on the dirt in front of her.

"Abra...Kadabra...Alakazam!" Chloe shouted, pointing her wand at the pumpkin, which proceeded to magically turn into a carriage.

"Woah!" Goh exclaimed, shell-shocked.

"There you go!"
"Wait, but, won't I stand out? I'm a boy, not a maiden and-" He gestured to his servant's outfit, "I'm obviously not rich. My family'll recognise me!"

"Hmm... I guess you'll need a disguise. Now stand still!" Chloe advised. She waved her wand in his direction, and, suddenly, he was wearing a ballgown! It was pink, but a much warmer shade than Serena's, and strapless with sleeves at the upper arm like Misty's. He wore gloves of a darker hue that went halfway down his forearm and high-heeled shoes the same style as Lillie's, though much daintier.

"Oh, wow~~!" Goh admired his dress in wonder, twirling slightly to see the folds of fabric elegantly sweep, following the curve of his motion.

"What a fine maiden! You look wonderful!"

"You are pretending to be a maiden, aren't you? So you can dance with the Prince?"
"Oh- of course!" Goh smiled, his eyes sparkling. This was the stuff of dreams!

"But listen, I have a warning. It is imperative you listen closely." Her tone was suddenly serious, "My spells are great, but they're temporary. At midnight you will return to your normal attire, and your carriage will become a simple pumpkin," She warned.

"Ok!" Goh affirmed. He was too excited to say anything else, dancing with the Prince maybe wasn't so far-fetched an idea after all!


this is the longest one so far! hope you enjoyed and feel free to leave feedback!!

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